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Penderfyniadau a Gyhoeddwyd
Teitl Dyddiad Yn effeithiol o Eitemau a alwyd i mewn
Third Sector Grant Funding - Award of Grants for 2023/2024 ref: 302330/11/202230/11/2022Nid i'w alw i mewn
Pontardawe Swimming Pool - Emergency Works Funding. ref: 302930/11/202230/11/2022Nid i'w alw i mewn
Corporate Governance Improvement Action Plan for 2022-2023 period 1st April 2022 - 30th September 2022 (Half Yearly Progress Report) ref: 302730/11/202230/11/2022Nid i'w alw i mewn
Strategic School Improvement Programme - Proposal to Establish and English-Medium 3 - 11 School to Replace Alltwen, Godre'rgraig and Llangiwg Primary Schools ref: 302230/11/202205/12/2022Y cais i alw i mewn wedi dod i ben
Quarter 2 (1st April 2022 - 30th September 2022) Corporate Indicators and Chief Executive's Directorate Service Level Key Performance Indicators 2022/2023 ref: 302830/11/202230/11/2022Nid i'w alw i mewn
Calculation of Council Tax Base for 2023-24 ref: 302630/11/202230/11/2022Nid i'w alw i mewn
Delivery of the Welsh Government's Discretionary Cost of Living Support Scheme - Proposals for use of remaining funding ref: 302530/11/202205/12/2022Y cais i alw i mewn wedi dod i ben
Public Public Participation Strategy 2023-2028 ref: 302430/11/202205/12/2022Y cais i alw i mewn wedi dod i ben
Presentation on Application ref: 337412/09/202312/09/2023Nid i'w alw i mewn
Eitemau brys ref: 337712/09/202312/09/2023Nid i'w alw i mewn
Appeals Received - 11/08/2023 to 04/09/2023 ref: 337612/09/202312/09/2023Nid i'w alw i mewn
Appeals Determined - 11/08/2023 to 04/09/2023 ref: 337512/09/202312/09/2023Nid i'w alw i mewn
Application No. P2023/0461 - 65 Cwrt Sart ref: 337812/09/202312/09/2023Nid i'w alw i mewn
Gwneud cais am ymweliad(au) safle gan y ceisiadau a gyflwynwyd ref: 337312/09/202312/09/2023Nid i'w alw i mewn
Cofnodion y cyfarfod blaenorol ref: 337912/09/202312/09/2023Nid i'w alw i mewn
Datganiadau o fuddiannau ref: 337212/09/202312/09/2023Nid i'w alw i mewn
Cyhoeddiad y Cadeirydd ref: 337112/09/202312/09/2023Nid i'w alw i mewn