
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Penderfyniadau a Gyhoeddwyd
Teitl Dyddiad Yn effeithiol o Eitemau a alwyd i mewn
Traffic Regulation Orders - Swansea Road, Trebannos ref: 239621/05/202021/05/2020Nid i'w alw i mewn
Revenue Outturn 2019-20 ref: 239321/05/202021/05/2020Nid i'w alw i mewn
Traffic Regulation Orders - Leiros Park and Ravenswood Close, Bryncoch ref: 239521/05/202021/05/2020Nid i'w alw i mewn
Annual Governance Statement 2019-2020 ref: 239021/05/202021/05/2020Nid i'w alw i mewn
Welsh Government Funding and Policy Announcements (Standing Item) - Verbal Update ref: 238921/05/202021/05/2020Nid i'w alw i mewn
Capital Outturn 2019-20 ref: 239221/05/202021/05/2020Nid i'w alw i mewn
Appointment of Local Authority Governors ref: 239121/05/202021/05/2020Nid i'w alw i mewn
Decarbonisation and Renewable Energy Strategy ref: 239421/05/202021/05/2020Nid i'w alw i mewn