Agenda and minutes

South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee - Energy Sub-Committee - Monday, 6th November, 2023 2.00 pm

Venue: Via Microsoft Teams

Contact: Chloe Plowman - Email: 

No. Item


Welcome and Chairs Announcements


The Chairperson welcomed everyone to the meeting.


Declarations of Interests


The following declaration of interest was received:


Liz Bickerton

General declaration - As she is a freelance consultant, who undertakes a number of evaluations for third sector organisations, some involving energy efficiency. Energy efficiency is one of the priorities of the Energy Sub Committee.



Terms of Reference pdf icon PDF 218 KB


The Committee were presented with the Terms of Reference of the

Energy Sub Committee of the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee.


It was explained that the Terms of Reference were presented to the Corporate Joint Committee, along with the other Sub Committee Terms of Reference, in October 2022.


Members were informed that the document set out the overarching aim of the Sub Committee; along with the functions and makeup of the Committee.


RESOLVED: That Members note the terms of reference of the

Energy Sub-Committee.


South West Wales Regional Energy Policy and Scene Setting pdf icon PDF 129 KB

Additional documents:


Members received a presentation setting the scene on factors and governance structures influencing regional energy policy, and outlining known developments in regional energy.

A discussion took place in regards to planning for a more integrated, low carbon energy system. It was explained that the National Policy, Regional Energy Strategies and Local Area Energy Plans (LAEPs) were integral to achieving this. 

The circulated presentation highlighted the landscape within the South West Wales Region, giving a broad picture of the governance and level of detail for the various work streams; for example, there were a number of Regional Officer Task Groups taking place, and progress was underway in terms of the key projects for the Region, including the Celtic Freeport and Blue Eden – Tidal Lagoon Project.

Members were informed that the current situation was fairly similar across other Regions in Wales, in terms of their governance structures.

It was stated that the South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee had approved its Corporate Plan, which included the action plan for the Regional Energy Strategy; there were two priorities included in this plan, which the Regional Directors Group had been working on progressing. The first priority noted was to map avaliable resources and identify resource gaps; one of the impact measures of this was to establish a Regional Delivery Team. It was confirmed that job adverts for the three posts within the Team had been advertised, and interviews would be taking place in the next few weeks; the three positions were for a Project Manager and two Project Officers, all of which would be funded by Welsh Government. It was explained that the implementation and delivery work would accelerate from this point onwards. 

Following on from the above, it was noted that the second priority was to formulate implementation programmes alongside partners; some of the actions within this priority was to develop prioritised action plans, and align with the LAEPs. It was confirmed that this work had been ongoing, and again this work will progress further when the Regional Delivery Team was in place.

The Committee were informed of the challenges associated with this work stream:

-         Pace and scale at the regional strategic level

-         Uncertainty around the cost of delivery/net zero

-         Funding capital and revenue for identified projects

-         Skills work to design, deliver, implement, maintain and monitor

-         Policy reforms and influence

-         Governance

-         Infrastructure


It was reiterated that one of the priority actions was to align projects; one of the identified projects was an investment prospectus for the Region, which would align the Celtic Freeport, LAEPs, regional planning and other key projects taking place across the Region. Members were informed that Officers were hoping to develop an investment prospectus in partnership with Net Zero Industry Wales.

The Chief Executive from Net Zero Industry Wales was in attendance at the Energy Sub Committee to provide further information in regards to the future proposal for an investment prospectus for the Region. It was explained that the Net Zero Industry  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Local Area Energy Plan (LAEP) Progress Update pdf icon PDF 122 KB

Additional documents:


The Principle Energy and Sustainability Consultant at City Science provided the Committee with an update in regards to the progress of delivery of the Local Area Energy Plans (LAEPs) within the Region.

It was explained that City Science was producing three LAEPs for South West Wales, in Carmarthenshire, Neath Port Talbot and Swansea; with Pembrokeshire already having their own LAEP. It was noted that although the plans were produced separately and tailored to the local area, it was recognised that there was a need for regional alignment; a lot of the activity being carried out by City Science was ensuring consistency across the Region.

Members were informed that Local Area Energy Planning was a comprehensive study into the local area energy system; looking at the whole system and all of the sectors involved, to determine the energy requirements between now and 2050, and what was needed to decarbonise the energy system during that time. It was added that the LAEP project started in February 2023, and was due to run until February 2024.

A discussion took place in regards to the Corporate Joint Committee and LAEP interaction. It was noted that the Corporate Joint Committee was the regional steering group for LAEP sign off, and also a key stakeholder; whilst the plans were local, they will be developed using regional collaboration. Whilst many of the scenarios were local, it was highlighted that a large number were regional; therefore, ensuring the LAEPs remained connected and transparent with regional governance structures was vital.

Following on from the above, it was explained that whilst the Corporate Joint Committee was not a governing body for LAEP progress, it was important to provide updates on the progress made. Officers confirmed that the individual Local Authorities will soon be receiving their draft LAEPs.

In addition, it was stated that once all LAEPs across Wales were completed, the Energy Systems Catapult, who were the organisation to develop the concept and guidelines for the LAEPs, were going to pull the information together to create regional and national views of Local Area Energy Planning; this would help to provide informed evidence base across Wales.

The presentation detailed information in regards to the various stages of developing a LAEP. It was mentioned that throughout the progress of the LAEP, there was an extensive stakeholder engagement process to assist in the work.

-        Stage 1 and 2 – preparation, project management and producing a stakeholder engagement plan

-        Stage 3 -  developing a baseline using local and national data to understand the local area energy systems

-        Stage 4 – developing various data models for the local area energy systems, including model of future scenarios

-        Stage 5 – refining scenarios and identifying pathway to net zero

-        Stage 6 – developing and prioritising near and long-term actions to support the delivery of the pathway, as well as developing a robust action plan

-        Stage 7 – delivery of the LAEP


It was explained that the LAEPs for Carmarthenshire, Neath Port  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.


Future Priorities and Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 410 KB


The Committee received the Forward Work Programme for the Energy Sub Committee.

A discussion took place in regards to the frequency of meetings. It was agreed that there was a need for an additional meetings of the Energy Sub Committee; Democratic Services would arrange this in liaison with the Energy Leads for the Region.

The following items were proposed to be added to the Forward Work Programme during the meeting:

-        Regional Skills Partnership – Upskilling and Resources for the future

-        Update from the Welsh Government Hydrogen Team

-        Presentation on Race to Zero and Carbon Disclosure Project


The Forward Work Programme was noted.



Urgent Items

Any urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100BA (6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


There were no urgent items received.