Venue: Via Microsoft Teams
No. | Item |
Chair's Announcements Decision: The
chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Minutes: The
chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. The
chair advised that there could potentially be issues with quorum. In order to
ensure that business can be expedited the chair agreed to vary the order of the
agenda. |
Declarations of Interest Decision: There were no declarations of interest. Minutes: There were no declarations of interest. |
Minutes of the previous meeting ·
16 July 2024 Decision: The
minutes of the meetings held on 16th July 2024 were approved as a true and
accurate record. Minutes: The
minutes of the meetings held on 16th July 2024 were approved as a true and
accurate record. |
Regional Transport Plan Policy (Draft) & Consultation Update Additional documents:
Decision: Members
noted the verbal progress reports from officers on the RTP development
workstreams. Members
Endorsed the Regional Transport Plan policy framework. Members Endorsed the revised RTP development work programme. Minutes: Members
considered the Regional Transport Plan Policy (Draft) and consultation update
as circulated within the agenda pack. Officers
outlined that the purpose of the report was to provide an update to members on
the Regional Transport Plan (RTP), the different work streams that have been
developed and the progress that has been made. The second purpose of the report
is to seek support from the committee on the policy framework that has been
drafted. Officers confirmed that the policy framework has taken into account
the framework issued by Welsh Government and made it applicable to a local
framework. The final purpose is the endorsement of the revised RTP development
work programme. Officers
noted that the timescale is challenging but that significant progress is being
made against this. Officers advised that a book of data has been produced which
will assist in understanding the region and the likely impacts on the transport
network. Officers confirmed that large amount of analysis has been undertaken
that considers accessibility to key travel points within the region, mainly
focusing on travel time. It also takes into account active travel. Officers
confirmed that there has been positive feedback on the case for change from
Welsh Government and it has been subject to the recent consultation. There have
been 814 responses to the consultation, the vast majority of these responses
were from individuals. The two key emerging themes identified from the
consultation were a concern about the potential of active travel measures that
the plan may include. Also the recognition in the consultation that active
travel space may not be suitable for everyone, particularly in the more rural
areas. The second theme was the availability and cost of public transport, both
bus and rail. In addition to this there was concern about the frequency of
operation, the fares that are charged and the coverage of the network. Concerns
also incorporated effective interchange between the bus and rail networks. A
key activity identified over the coming weeks will be engagement with technical
stakeholders. A report will be brought forward outlining the activities
undertaken, for consideration at a later date. Officers
are currently in the process of setting out the basis of the integrated
wellbeing assessment. There will be engagement with the relevant statutory
bodies to agree with the scoping analysis of the assessment. Members
noted that the Independent Travel Active Board have published a about walking
and cycling where described Wales as making ‘painfully slowing progress’ in
getting people walking and cycling. Whilst it was acknowledged that the report
has only just been published, members queried what consideration this report
will be given to ensure that the best value is achieved in terms of walking and
cycling? Officers recognised that the active travel option will not be an option that will fit for all. It will be more pertinent in some areas that others. The policy framework has been drafted to reflect the priorities across a diverse region. Whilst it recognises walking and cycling, it also reflects the ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Joint Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy - Strategic Equality Plan Additional documents:
Decision: Members
endorsed the Joint Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy (Appendix A) for
approval, to enable the development of Regional Strategic Equality Plan (SEP)
ahead of seeking approval from South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee. Minutes: Members
considered the joint equality, diversity and including strategy – Strategic Equality
Plan, as circulated within the agenda pack. Officers
provided members with an update on the Strategic Equality Plan. Members
endorsed the Joint Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy (Appendix A) for
approval, to enable the development of Regional Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) ahead
of seeking approval from South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee. |
Quarter 1 Financial Monitoring 24/25 Decision: The
report was noted. Minutes: Members
considered the Quarter 1 Financial Monitoring Report 24/25 as circulated within
the agenda pack. Officers
went through the report. Members attention was drawn to appendix A. This report
details the quarter 1 financial monitoring and projected year end position for
24/25. Officers iterated the projected surplus position and reserves position
outlined within the report at the financial year end. Members
were advised that there would be a workshop held in the Autumn, where the
future priorities for the CJC would be discussed. Members queried if there
would be consideration of a reduction in the levy for the forthcoming year
given the level of reserves. Officers advised that this could be considered at
the workshop. Members
queried who was going to be part of the workshop. Officers anticipate that it will
be made up of officers and members of the relevant groups. Officers advised
that they would be happy to attend a future meeting of the scrutiny committee
to gage the views of members and pass them to the workshop. Following
scrutiny, the report was noted. |
Forward Work Programme 2024-2025 ·
South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee Forward Work Programme
2024-2025 ·
South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee – Overview and Scrutiny
Committee 2024-2025 Additional documents: Decision: Members
selected the following items to add to the Forward work Programme for the meeting
scheduled for the 14th of October 2024. · Draft RTP, IWBA and RTDP · Welsh Language Standards –
Compliance Update · Budget Update Pre Audit Return · Quarter 2 Financial
Monitoring 2024/25 · South
West Wales
Regional Energy Policy and Scene Setting - Energy Funding Request Minutes: Members
selected the following items to add to the Forward work Programme for the
meeting scheduled for the 14th of October 2024. ·
Draft RTP, IWBA and RTDP ·
Welsh Language Standards – Compliance Update ·
Budget Update Pre Audit Return ·
Quarter 2 Financial Monitoring 2024/25 ·
South West Wales Regional Energy Policy and Scene Setting - Energy
Funding Request |
Urgent Items Any
urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100BA(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). Decision: There
were no urgent items. Minutes: There
were no urgent items. |