Venue: Multi-Location Meeting - Council Chamber, Port Talbot & Microsoft Teams. View directions
Contact: Tom Rees Email:
No. | Item |
Chair's Announcements Decision: The Chair noted that the Members of the Scrutiny Committee had agreed to scrutinise the following item 3a, 3b and 3c from the Cabinet Forward work Programme. |
Declarations of Interest Decision: Cllr G. Rice declared a personal interest in Item 3c. A Pilot of Access Approach to Formal Parks and Gardens. He is a trustee of Friends of Jersey Park. |
To Consider items from the Cabinet Forward Work Programme Decision: Members
considered items from the Cabinet Forward Work Programme. |
Disposal of Off Street Pay and Display Car Parks (Capacity and Utilisation Review) Additional documents:
Decision: Following
scrutiny, recommendation 1 was supported to Cabinet. Following
scrutiny, recommendation 2 was supported to Cabinet. Following
scrutiny, an amendment was put forward in relation to recommendation 3. The
amended recommendation as set out below was supported to Cabinet. 3) Continue negotiations and agree terms with
Signal Capital to lease the Port Talbot MSCP and to bring a further report back
to cabinet for a final decision. “To include capital investment plans, proposed
opening hours and impact on Port Talbot Town Centre Car Parks retained by the
council.” Following
scrutiny, recommendation 4 was supported to Cabinet. Following
scrutiny, recommendation 5 was supported to Cabinet. Following
scrutiny members recommended and approved the following for Cabinet to
consider. (6)
Officers explore options to gather occupancy data to be reported back to the
scrutiny committee. |
Improving Recycling Performance and Budget Delivery Additional documents:
Decision: Following
Scrutiny members approved recommendation i. Following
Scrutiny members approved recommendation ii. Following
scrutiny, an amendment was put forward in relation to recommendation iii. The
amended recommendation as set out below was supported to Cabinet. Approve
the revised ‘No Side Waste’ Policy set out in Appendix D of this report; with a
review report to be included with the missed collections policy. Following
Scrutiny members approved item recommendation iv option b. Following
Scrutiny members approved item recommendation V option b Following
Scrutiny members approved item recommendation Vi option b |
Pilot of Access Approach to Formal Parks and Gardens Additional documents:
Decision: Following
scrutiny, an amendment was put forward. The amended recommendation as set out
below was supported to Cabinet. Endorse
the proposal to carry out an official pilot to not restrict pedestrian access
to the parks and gardens listed in Appendix A for a period of 4 months
commencing 1st December 2024, the outcome of the pilot to be reported back and
include Public engagement. |
To consider items from the Scrutiny Committee Work Programme No
scrutiny committee Forward Work Programme items to be considered. Decision: There were no items selected from the Scrutiny Forward Work Programme. |
Performance Monitoring No performance monitoring items to be considered. Decision: There
were no Performance Monitoring reports for consideration. |
Selections of items for future scrutiny · Cabinet Forward Work
Programme · Scrutiny Committee Forward
Work Programme Additional documents: Decision: Members
noted the Forward Work Programme. |
Urgent Items Any
urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100BA(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). Decision: There
was none. |