Agenda, decisions and minutes

Social Services, Housing and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee - Thursday, 8th June, 2023 2.00 pm

Contact: Alison Thomas Email: 

No. Item


Chair's Announcements


Chair welcomed members to the meeting.


The Chair welcomed members to the meeting.


The Chair confirmed that the committee would be scrutinising items 7, 8 and 9 from the Cabinet Board agenda and 9A & 10A from the supplementary Cabinet Board agenda.


With reference to the supplementary Cabinet Board Agenda, the Chair advised that there was an error on the heading; the Neath Port Talbot Justice and Early Intervention draft Youth Justice Plan 2023 should read the Youth Justice and Early Intervention Grading Analysis of the Youth Justice Plan, the Youth Justice Plan was also circulated for ease of reference.


The Chair confirmed that there would be an urgent item on Unpaid Carers for consideration.


Declarations of Interest


There were none.


There were none.


Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 383 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 20th April 2023 were approved as an accurate record of proceedings.


The minutes of the meeting held on 20th April 2023 were approved as an accurate record of proceedings.


Pre-Decision Scrutiny

To select appropriate items from the Cabinet Board agenda for Pre-Decision Scrutiny (Cabinet Board reports included for Scrutiny Members)



Tai Tarian Update


The report was noted.


Childrens Services Risk Management Mini Health Check


The report was noted.


Information Sharing in Respect of The National Review of Care Planning for Children and Young People Subject to the Public Law Outline Pre- Proceedings


The report was noted.


Neath Port Talbot Youth Justice and Early Intervention Draft Youth Justice Plan 2022-2023 (Renamed in the meeting as Youth Justice and Early Intervention Service Grading Analysis of the Youth Justice Plan 2022-2023)


The report was noted.


Tai Tarian Update


The Chief Executive of Tai Tarian gave members an overview of the work carried out in 2022-2023 as detailed in the circulated report. Tai Tarian work closely with the authority to determine housing requirements and greatest need.


Members were advised that Tai Tarian have been marked positively in all 45 of the available elements of the Considerate Constructor Gold Award; this is the first time this award has been achieved in Neath Port Talbot.


Members queried the relationship between Councillors and Tai Tarian. There are no Councillors that are currently Board members but there is a close relationship with members. When working locally, members are invited to site visits.


Members noted that the authority are developing a new Housing Strategy and queried how did Tai Tarian see the strategic relationship developing between the association and the local authority currently and in the future? The Chief Executive of Tai Tarian responded that there has always been a strong relationship and the ability to develop within the borough has grown. The relationship has developed to be a really strong one. Tai Tarian also work closely with other housing associations and it is hoped that there is an open relationship with the local authority, where requests would be responded to promptly.


Members thanked Tai Tarian for their support and noted the benefits to local tradespeople seeking employment.


The report was noted.


Childrens Services Risk Management Mini Health Check


The Head of Children’s Services outlined the content of the report which is presented for consideration.


Members asked what are the challenges and weaknesses and where and what actions are in place to rectify any weaknesses. Is monitoring in place and what exactly is the cabinet member role and has any training been given. What is working well and how?

Officers confirmed that they were delighted with the outcome of the inspection but acknowledged there was always room for improvement. The findings are evidence based. The Cabinet Member for Childrens Services is kept up to date on all matters. Seminars on Safeguarding and Deprivation of Liberties were recently delivered to members. There are many challenges but the service is striving for continuous improvement. The key challenge is the authorities’ response to harm outside the family home and officers acknowledged that there is still a lot of work to be done across the partnership.


Members commented that the report highlighted that staff retention is considered good but this has not always been the case and queried what has changed?


Officers confirmed that the authority remains under pressure due to a national shortage of qualified social workers but has moved to a position where during Covid there was a slight increase in staffing levels. Officers noted that the support of the council to offer a market supplement has made a difference to staff recruitment.


Members noted that there were only two part time workers and this was pleasing as agency workers have been a problem in the past. It was noted that situations can  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Forward Work Programme 2023/2024 pdf icon PDF 420 KB


Members of the Committee agreed that the following item be included on the Forward Work Programme:


Special Impact Bonds Task and Finish Group


It was agreed that Democratic Services will arrange a meeting for members to attend a meeting to consider and agree to the task and finish group, along with the scope of the task and finish group and terms of reference. Also to invite the relevant officers so they can provide advice on the topics.


Members will receive an invitation to a forward work programme session shortly.


Members of the Committee agreed that the following item be included on the Forward Work Programme:


Special Impact Bonds Task and Finish Group


The Chair proposed a Task and Finish Group to discuss Special Impact Bonds. The Democratic Services Officer gave advice that a separate meeting should be arranged to consider and agree to the Task & Finish group and agree the scope and terms of reference, relevant officers can be invited to provide advice.


It was agreed that Democratic Services will arrange a meeting for members to attend a meeting to consider and agree to the task and finish group, along with the scope of the task and finish group and terms of reference. Also to invite the relevant officers so they can provide advice on the topics.


Urgent Items

Any urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100BA(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).


Unpaid Carers


Unpaid Carers


Officers outlined the content of the report which is presented for information. Members questioned why Carers needs are not being met, why they don’t have information on time and are not aware of assessment? Officers acknowledged the current processes in place are not as robust as they need to be, a lot of the work is taking place but the data is not being captured.


The Director responded that members should be under no illusions, the authority is in a pressured position in terms of the services we deliver to carers and expressed his opinion that we are yet to recover from the issues experienced during the pandemic. There is significant work to do in this area but congratulations were extended to the officer for the work currently being undertaken. It was suggested a report should come back to Scrutiny in six months’ time.


Given the expected growth over the next seven years, members asked what mitigating measures are being put in place, there is currently a three week wait for triage and this will increase. The Officer responded in terms of the project being undertaken by the Carer Development Officer, part of their role will be to undertake triage and work with the carers’ service to reduce and monitor the waiting list. As this is a trial post, work will be monitored and feedback will be gathered from carers.


The report was noted.


Access to meetings

Access to Meetings to resolve to exclude the public for the following item(s) pursuant to Section 100A(4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972 and the relevant exempt paragraphs of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the above Act.



Pre-Decision Scrutiny of Private Item/s

To select appropriate private items from the Cabinet Board agenda for Pre-Decision Scrutiny (Cabinet Board reports enclosed for Scrutiny Members)