Venue: Microsft Teams Meeting/ Hybrid Meeting in Council Chamber
Contact: Charlotte John 01639 673745
No. | Item |
Chairs Announcements Decision: The
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. Minutes: The
Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. |
Declarations of Interests Decision: There
were no declarations of interest received. Minutes: There
were no declarations of interest received. |
Minutes of the Previous Meeting Decision: The
minutes of the meeting held on 9th January 2024 were approved as a
true and accurate record. Minutes: The
minutes of the meeting held on 9th January 2024 were approved as a
true and accurate record. |
Emergency Preparedness Update Decision: Following
scrutiny, the report was noted. Minutes: Members considered the report as circulated within
the agenda pack. Officers outlined some of the key points raised within the
report. Officers advised that during the forthcoming year,
it is planned to introduce NPT Prepared, which will work to increase community
resilience. Elected members will be invited to contribute to assist putting in
place ward specific resilience plans. Members were aware that business continuity and the
risk register have been continually considered and updated regularly. However,
it is acknowledged that there are difficulties in keeping the items updated and also ensuring that the importance of continuity business
plans within each individual department within the local authority is
recognised. It is important that members fully appreciate how critical they are
to maintaining the infrastructure of the Council. Officers confirmed that the risk register is
updated and taken to CDG and Governance and Audit Committee quarterly and
considered by Cabinet every six months. With reference to the business
continuity plans, every accountable manager is responsible for ensuring that
there is one in place for their services. The details contained within the plan
will be determined by the type of service and any identified critical delivery
actions. In relation to schools, a ‘Resilient Schools’
scheme is going to be launched in conjunction with the Education Department.
Previously there has been difficulty in setting resilience plans for schools as
the corporate business continuity planning framework did not suit the needs of
the schools. However, work has been carried out over the past year to adapt the
framework so that schools are fully covered by business continuity. Members queried if there was liaison with Town and
Community Councils. Officers confirmed that the scope of the Emergency Planning
Team only covered the local authority itself. Officers confirmed that the Emergency Planning Team
is established to respond to very specific emergencies. It is established under
the Civil Contingencies Act. If there was a major incident declared, under the
Act the Council has statutory responsibilities under the Act to respond
accordingly. The team is not designed to respond to anything that is described
as an emergency. It is very specific in its role under the Act. Members queried the extent of the work that has
been carried out in relation to site specific terrorism evaluations, security
action plans and hostile vehicle mitigation and plans. Officers advised that
specific information on this item cannot be provided due to security issues.
Members were reassured that there were ongoing items being developed. Officers provided some details on the exercises that have been carried out in relation to civil contingencies. The first exercise relates to NPT connect and tests the response of the CCTV Team in relation to potential phone calls from South Wales Police or Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service. The second part of the exercise involves the strategic duty officer team of the authority and practising their response to a request for a strategic coordination call. The second exercise is the internal rest centre exercise which is ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Pre-decision Scrutiny ·
To select appropriate items from the Cabinet (Policy and Resources) Sub
agenda for pre-decision scrutiny (cabinet reports enclosed for Scrutiny
Members) Decision: There
were no items for scrutiny. Minutes: There
were no items for scrutiny. |
Forward Work Programme 2023/24 Decision: The
Forward Work Programme was noted. Minutes: The
Forward Work Programme was noted. |
Urgent Items Any
urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100BA(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). Decision: There
were no urgent items. Minutes: There
were no urgent items. |
Access to Meetings To
resolve to exclude the public for the following
pursuant to Section 100A(4) and (5) of the Local Government Act 1972 and the relevant exempt paragraphs of Part 4 of Schedule 12A to the above Act. Decision: No
items were scrutinised in private, therefore this item was not required. Minutes: No
items were scrutinised in private, therefore this item was not required. |
Pre-Decision Scrutiny of Private Item/s ·
To select appropriate items from the Cabinet (Policy and Resources)
agenda for pre-decision scrutiny (cabinet reports enclosed for Scrutiny
Members) Decision: No
items were scrutinised. Minutes: No
items were scrutinised. |