Venue: Remotely via Teams / Hybrid meeting in Council Chamber
Contact: Charlotte John Email:
No. | Item |
Chair's Announcements Minutes: The
Chair welcomed the Committee. |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: There
were none. |
Minutes of the Previous Meetings To
approve the minutes of the meeting held on 06/12/22 and the 28/02/23 as an
accurate record of the proceedings. Additional documents: Minutes: The
minutes of the meeting held on 06/12/22 and the 28/02/23 were approved as an
accurate record of the proceedings. |
Pentre Awel Project Update Minutes: Members
were provided with a PowerPoint presentation by Sharon Burford Project Manager
for Pentre Awel informing them of an overview of the progress made and status
of the Pentre Awel Project as detailed within the report circulated. Members
wanted to know who would be running the leisure element in Pentre Awel and how
the jobs would be created in zone 1 and who would be the employer. Officers
advised that Carmarthenshire Council will be running Zone 1 and therefore the
leisure element. Llanelli Leisure centre is beyond economic repair, as part of
the capital programme a new one needs to be built and the decision was that
this would come to Pentre Awel. Officers
advised that the focus is on how to work with the health board to look at the
national exercise referral scheme and step it up. Members were advised that
people attending the clinical rehabilitation area (physiotherapy) could be
encouraged and potentially move across the corridor to become more independent
and take control over their own physical rehabilitation program. Officers
advised that the businesses will be private businesses, catalysed by the
universities or through the clinical research with Hywel Dda. Officers
would expect spin-up but also encourage businesses across the wider area,
working with the internal economic regeneration teams and provide specialist
support around things like intellectual property. Following
scrutiny, the Committee noted the report. |
Swansea Bay City Deal Highlight Report Additional documents: Minutes: Members
were presented with information pertaining to Swansea Bay City Deal Highlight
Report, Phil Ryder Provided some Key highlights to members as detailed within
the report circulated. Following
the update, members wanted to know about the risks to digital infrastructure if
public sector partners don't prioritise delivery and adoption of digital
infrastructure and if in fact there was a problem currently. Officers
explained that there is no problem with the partners but the nature of digital
means that it is a risk for the programs as they rely heavily on the private
sector to deliver digital infrastructure improvements across the region. This
means that if there is any issue affecting the private sector to slow down or
stop across the region then it could cause an impact to the program. However,
it is not an issue at this point. Members
wanted to know about the overall effect of inflation on all the projects to
construction costs. Officers advised that they have assessed the funding gap as
of the end of last year and will update this going forward on the projects regularly. Officers
also explained that the management of these projects has been done through a
range of activities, some additional finding from the authorities and some
value engineering activity has been undertaken. So far there
officers advised that there has been nothing removed from the scheme that has
affected the objectives or delivery of the scheme because of value engineering. Officers
explained that if Inflation costs got worse then there may be a possibility to
rationalise some of the targets to achieve the aims and objectives of the deal,
but the projects aren’t at that stage. Officers
also explained that there has been a change procedure in place. If they would
need to bring anything through regional governance to alter something, that
would change any of the deliverables. Officers
advised that there is a process in place to ask for approval for any
mitigations beyond value engineering or extra funding from lead deliverers but
none of these are needed now. Members
were also advised that there have been some increases in Wherefore funding
which have been used to help mitigate costs. Wherefore funding is coming to an
end shortly, so where it has been available, officers advised that they have
utilised the extra funding to mitigate the pressures. Following
scrutiny, the Committee noted the report. |
Swansea Bay City Deal Portfolio Business Case Additional documents:
Minutes: Members
were provided with a presentation and a brief background of the portfolio
business case by Ian Williams Portfolio Development Manager updating them on
the City Deal Portfolio Business Case as detailed within the report circulated.
explained that the original portfolio business case was produced in August 2020
and was a requirement of Government. It is based on the original heads of terms
for the city deal and the projects and programmes that were selected for that. Members
were advised that the Portfolio Business case has been developed in line with
the HM Treasury 5 case model and that It went through
a rigorous review with government and following that it was approved with the
first tranche of funding. It
was explained that the business case will be subject to an annual review and
updated by the Project Management Office (PMO) for the city deal and submitted
back to government to act as an annual trigger for the release of City deal
funding. Officers
advised that is the 4th iteration of the business case and has passed through
programme board and City Deal Joint Committee last month. The information
within the business case is based on quarter 3 monitor information which as also passed through the relevant governance boards. Following
the presentation there were no questions from Members. |
Urgent Items Any
urgent items at the discretion of the Chairperson pursuant to Section 100BA(6)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended). Minutes: There
were none. |