Agenda item

Swansea Bay City Deal Portfolio Business Case


Members were provided with a presentation and a brief background of the portfolio business case by Ian Williams Portfolio Development Manager updating them on the City Deal Portfolio Business Case as detailed within the report circulated.


Officers explained that the original portfolio business case was produced in August 2020 and was a requirement of Government. It is based on the original heads of terms for the city deal and the projects and programmes that were selected for that.


Members were advised that the Portfolio Business case has been developed in line with the HM Treasury 5 case model and that It went through a rigorous review with government and following that it was approved with the first tranche of funding.


It was explained that the business case will be subject to an annual review and updated by the Project Management Office (PMO) for the city deal and submitted back to government to act as an annual trigger for the release of City deal funding.


Officers advised that is the 4th iteration of the business case and has passed through programme board and City Deal Joint Committee last month. The information within the business case is based on quarter 3 monitor information which as also passed through the relevant governance boards.


Following the presentation there were no questions from Members.

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