Agenda and draft minutes

Annual Meeting of Council - Wednesday, 17th March, 2021 2.00 pm

No. Item


Election of Mayor for 2021/2022


On the motion of Councillor Councillor S.Reynolds seconded by Councillor S.Paddison, it was:-


RESOLVED:       That Councillor John Warman be elected Mayor for the Civic Year 2021/22 pursuant to Section 23(1) of the Local Government Act 1972.


Councillor John Warman then subscribed to the Oath of Allegiance administered by the Chief Executive and made the formal Declaration of Acceptance of Office.


The Chief Executive was pleased to announce that the Mayoress would be Mrs Lesley Warman and the Mayor’s Chaplain would be Canon Lynda Newman from the Rectorial Benefice of Neath.


The meeting was shortly adjourned in order for the Mayor to take his seat as Chairperson of Council.



Appointment of Deputy Mayor for 2021/2022


On the motion of Councillor Alun Llewelyn seconded by Councillor Carolyn Edwards, it was:-


RESOLVED:        that Councillor Del Morgan be appointed the Deputy Mayor for the Civic Year 2021/2022 pursuant to Section 24(1) of the Local Government Act 1972.


Councillor Del Morgan then made the formal Declaration of Acceptance of Office.


The Chief Executive was pleased to announce that the Deputy Mayoress for the remainder of the Civic Year would be Mrs Anne Morgan.



Mayor's Address


Appointment of the Leader and the Deputy Leader of the Council for 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 49 KB




That Councillor E.V Latham be elected Leader of the Council and Councillor L.G Jones be elected Deputy Leader of the Council for the Civic year 2021/22 Pursuant to Part 4, Section 1(1.1) of the Constitution


Administration Issues 2021/2022 (Documents to Follow) pdf icon PDF 98 KB

Additional documents:


Council considered the various administrative issues as set out in the circulated report.




1)   That the Policy and Budget Framework as contained in Annex A to the circulated report be approved.


2)   That the Executive arrangements for the Civic Year 2021/22 in respect of the size of the Cabinet; the appointment of Members thereto; the appointment of the Cabinet Boards; and the allocation of the Cabinet Portfolios be approved as contained in Annex B to the circulated report;


3)   That the apportionment of seats amongst the constitution of Political Groups for the Civic Year 2021/22 be confirmed as set out in Annex C to the circulated report (but it be unanimously RESOLVED that pursuant to Section 17 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, the political balance requirements of Sections 15 and 16 should not apply to the Appeals Panel, Standards Committee and the Licensing and Gambling Acts Sub Committee);


4)   That the proposed structure of the five Scrutiny Committees and their functions and the apportionment of chairs of scrutiny committees amongst the constituted Political Groups and the member appointments to each Scrutiny Committee in accordance with the wishes of the political groups together with the re-appointment of the co-opted members to the Education Skills and Culture Scrutiny Committee as set out in Annexes C and D be confirmed for the Civic Year 2021/22


5)   That the proposals in respect of the other Committee arrangements for the Civic Year 2021/22 be approved, together with the appointment of Members thereto, as set out in Appendix E to the circulated report. That the chair and vice chair of the Audit Committee be drawn from the opposition members of the committee and to be determined by the Audit Committee and that the Chair and Vice Chair of the Licensing Sub-Committee to be determined by the Sub Committee be approved.


That the terms of reference for the Governance and Audit Committee as contained in Annex F to the circulated report be approved.


6)   That the proposed appointment of Members to other Member/Officer Groups as set out in Annex G to the circulated report for the Civic Year 2021/22 be approved.


7)   That the proposed appointment (once approved by Cabinet) of Member/Officer appointments to Joint Committees, Outside and Other Public Bodies for the Civic Year 2021/22 as set out in Annex H be noted.


8)   That the Committee Cycle and Timetable for the Civic Year 2021/221(including Member Seminars) set out at Annex I be approved.


9)   That the distribution of the available Senior Salaries as contained in Annex J be approved.


10)               That the structure for Democratic Services as set out in Annex K be endorsed.


11)               That the Head of Legal and Democratic Services be granted delegated authority to amend the constitution to reflect the changes highlighted in the circulated report.