Issue - meetings

Pre-Decision Scrutiny

Meeting: 16/11/2023 - Social Services, Housing and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee (Item 5)

Pre-Decision Scrutiny

To select appropriate items from the Cabinet Board agenda for Pre-Decision Scrutiny (Cabinet Board reports included for Scrutiny Members)



Permission to provide information on the 'The Transformation Programme - The Alliance Outline Business Case' (Pages 11 - 76)


Following scrutiny, members supported the recommendations to Cabinet Board.



Neath Port Talbot Youth Justice and Early Intervention Draft Youth Justice Plan 2023-2024 (Pages 77 - 156)


Following scrutiny, members supported the recommendations to Cabinet Board.



Social Services Children and Young Peoples Single Point of Contact (SPOC) (Pages 167 - 174)


Following scrutiny, members noted the report.



Children & Young People, Adult Services and Housing & Community Safety - 2nd Quarter (April 2023 - September 2023) Performance Report (Pages 175 - 238)


Following scrutiny, members noted the report.


It was confirmed that the committee would be scrutinising items 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15 and 16 from the Cabinet Board Agenda.


Permission to provide information on the 'The Transformation Programme - The Alliance Outline Business Case' (Pages 11 - 76)


The Head of Housing and Communities provided an overview of the report contained in the agenda pack.


Members complimented officers on the report and referred to page 14 - Valleys Community Impacts. Members asked for an update on the provision of substance treatment support; the report states this provision requires improvement. Members also referred to pages 19 and 22 of the report and questioned why there was a three year gap between the agreement for a joint approach with Public Health and the start of the programme.


The Head of Housing and Communities responded that the Western Bay Area Planning Board for Substance Misuse (APB) and the Public Service Board (PSB) had made a commitment to reduce drug related deaths and harms but delays had occurred due to the pandemic. A new staff member has been appointed and this work can now be prioritised.


The Substance Use Transformation Programme Manager confirmed that despite a number of delays, there has also been positive work undertaken in progressing some of the intended outcomes of the programme. The Programme Managers remit is to bring together a range of collaborative services to deliver the objectives at pace as there is continuing harm across communities.


Following scrutiny, members supported the recommendations to Cabinet Board.



Neath Port Talbot Youth Justice and Early Intervention Draft Youth Justice Plan 2023-2024 (Pages 77 - 156)


Officers provided an overview of the report contained within the agenda pack.


Members referred to page 91 and questioned how the £82 a week Health Authority contribution is set.


Officers confirmed that the Health Authority determined the contribution but were under no obligation to contribute. As well as the financial contribution the Health Authority provide access to Speech and Language Therapists and CAHMS Nurse.


Members referred to Page 143 of the report; and asked for further explanation in relation to items 9.1 & 10.1.


Officers confirmed items 9.1 and 10.1 related to an outdated plan which has since been addressed and updated.


The Cabinet Member for Children and Family Services thanked staff for their work in helping young people to turn their lives around and commented on the range of activities provided by the service.  It is helpful for young people to hear of real life crimes which can help them to reflect on their own lives.


The Chair thanked staff for hosting a recent visit for scrutiny committee members to Base 15; the committee would like to arrange future visits to view activities. The Chair questioned if staff and agency partners received training by Autside or from any other providers on neuro-diverse conditions. 


Officers confirmed that the workforce is a trauma informed workforce and training is available to all staff. Staff working with young people with neuro-divergent difficulties will have undertaken appropriate  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5