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Ad Hoc Committee (Chief Executive's Appointment)
Annual Meeting of Council
Appeals Committee
Appointments Sub Committee
Archived Committees
Audit Committee
Cabinet (Finance) Sub Committee
Cabinet (Policy and Resources) Scrutiny Sub Committee
Cabinet (Policy and Resources) Sub Committee - Urgency Action
Cabinet - Urgency Action
Cabinet Scrutiny Committe
Cabinet Scrutiny Committee
Celtic Freeport Public Funds Committee
Children, Young People and Education Cabinet Board
Children, Young People and Education Scrutiny Committee
Community Safety and Public Protection Scrutiny Sub Committee
Community, Finance and Strategic Leadership Scrutiny Committee
Council - Urgency Action
Democratic Services Committee
Diversity in Democracy - Task and Finish Group
Economic and Community Regeneration Cabinet Board
Economic and Community Regeneration Scrutiny Committee
Economic, Environment & Consumer Services Cabinet Board
Economic, Environment & Consumer Services Scrutiny Committee
Education Skills and Culture Scrutiny Committee
Education, Lifelong Learning & Leisure Services Cabinet Board
Education, Lifelong Learning & Leisure Services Scrutiny Committee
Education, Skills & Wellbeing Cabinet Board
Education, Skills and Culture Cabinet Board
Education, Skills and Wellbeing Cabinet Board - Urgency Action
Education, Skills and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee
Environment and Highways Cabinet Board
Environment and Highways Scrutiny Committee
Environment, Regeneration and Streetscene Services Cabinet Board
Environment, Regeneration and Streetscene Services Cabinet Board - Urgency Action
Environment, Regeneration and Streetscene Services Scrutiny Committee
Finance Panel
Governance and Audit - Urgency Action
Governance and Audit Committee
Housing Tenancy Committee
Joint Archives Committee
Joint Cabinet and Education, Skills and Culture Scrutiny Committee
Joint Meeting of the Cabinet / Education Skills and Culture / Regeneration and Sustainable Developme
Joint Meeting of the Cabinet / Education Skills and Culture Scrutiny Committees
Joint Meeting of the Cabinet / Education Skills and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committees
Joint Meeting of the Cabinet / Environment, Regeneration and Streetscene Services Scrutiny Committee
Joint Meeting of the Cabinet / Regeneration and Sustainable Development Scrutiny Committees
Joint Meeting of the Cabinet / Social Care, Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committees
Joint Meeting of the Cabinet / Streetscene and Engineering Scrutiny Committees
Joint Meeting of the Community Finance and Strategic Leadership / Environment, Regeneration and Stre
Joint meeting of the Education, Skills and Wellbeing / Environment, Regeneration and Street Scene Sc
Joint Meetings of Cabinet / Social Care, Health and Housing Scrutiny Committees
Joint Meetings of Children, Young People and Education / Economic, Community Regeneration Scrutiny C
Joint Meetings of Children, Young People and Education / Social Care, Health and Housing Scrutiny Co
Joint Meetings of Economic and Community Regeneration / Environment and Highways Scrutiny Committees
Joint Meetings of the Children, Young People and Education / Economic and Community Regeneration Scr
Joint Resilience Committee
LEA Representative Panel
Leisure and Culture Sub Committee
Licensing and Gambling Acts - Urgency Action
Licensing and Gambling Acts Committee
Licensing and Gambling Acts Sub Committee
Loan and Grant Panel
Margam Crematorium Joint Committee
Neath Port Talbot Local Service Board
Personnel Committee
Personnel Committee - Urgency Action
Planning (Site Visits) Sub Committee
Planning and Development Control Committee
Planning Committee
Planning Committee - Urgency Action
Policy and Resources Cabinet Board
Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee
Policy and Resources/ Cabinet Scrutiny Committee
Regeneration and Sustainable Development Cabinet Board
Regeneration and Sustainable Development Scrutiny Committee
Registration and Licensing Committee - Urgency Action
Registration and Licensing Committee
Social Care Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee
Social Care, Health and Housing Cabinet Board
Social Care, Health and Housing Scrutiny Committee
Social Care, Health and Wellbeing Cabinet Board
Social Services & Housing Cabinet Board
Social Services & Housing Scrutiny Committee
Social Services, Housing and Community Safety Cabinet Board
Social Services, Housing and Community Safety Cabinet Board - Urgency Action
Social Services, Housing and Community Safety Scrutiny Committee
South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee
South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee - Economic Well Being and Regional Economic Development S
South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee - Energy Sub-Committee
South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee - Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee
South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee - Regional Transport Sub-Committee
South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee - Strategic Planning Sub-Committee
South West Wales Regional Joint Waste Management Committee
Special Appointments Committee
Standards Committee
Standards Committee - Urgency Action
Streetscene and Engineering Cabinet Board
Streetscene and Engineering Cabinet Board - Urgency Action
Streetscene and Engineering Scrutiny Committee
Student Awards Panel
Swansea Bay City Region Joint Scrutiny Committee
Technical Services Cabinet Board
Technical Services Scrutiny Committee
zzTestCommittee (Please do not delete - For testing purposes)
Non Pecuniary
Personal and Prejudicial
Aubrey, Councillor Angharad Rebecca Aubrey
Bowen, Councillor Tim Bowen
Carpenter, Councillor Wayne Carpenter
Clarke, Councillor Helen Ceri Clarke
Clement-Williams, Councillor Carol Clement-Williams
Crowley, Councillor Matthew Crowley
Dacey, Councillor Andrew Dacey
Davies, Councillor Hayley Davies
Davies, Councillor Heath Davies
Davies, Councillor Oliver Stewart Davies
Davies, Councillor Rosalyn Davies
Freeguard, Councillor Sharon Freeguard
Galsworthy, Councillor Charlotte Galsworthy
Goldup-John, Councillor Nathan Goldup-John
Griffiths, Councillor Wyndham Fryer Griffiths
Grimshaw, Councillor Stephanie Grimshaw
Hale, Councillor Jo Hale
Harris, Councillor Sian Harris
Harvey, Councillor Mike Harvey
Heard, Councillor Lauren Heard
Henton, Councillor James Henton
Hunt, Councillor Steve K.Hunt
Hurley, Councillor Jeremy Hurley
James, Councillor Cathy James
Jenkins, Councillor Nia Jenkins
Jones, Councillor Jeff Jones
Jones, Councillor Leanne Jones
Jones, Councillor Rob G. Jones
Jones, Councillor Scott Jones
Jordan, Councillor Carl Jordan
Keogh, Councillor Dennis Keogh
Knoyle, Councillor Simon Anthony Knoyle
Latham, Councillor Edward V.Latham
Lewis, Councillor Caroline Lewis
Lewis, Councillor Dean Lewis
Llewelyn, Councillor Alun Llewelyn
Lockyer, Councillor Alan R.Lockyer
Lodwig, Councillor Andy Lodwig
Mizen, Councillor Rhidian Mizen
Morris, Councillor Kirsty Morris
Paddison, Councillor Suzanne Paddison
Peters, Councillor Martyn Peters
Phillips, Councillor Cen Phillips
Phillips, Councillor Rebeca Phillips
Pursey, Councillor Sean Pursey
Rahaman, Councillor Saifur Rahaman
Rees, Councillor Peter A Rees
Renkes, Councillor Susanne Renkes
Reynolds, Councillor Sonia Reynolds
Rice, Councillor Gareth Rice
Richards, Councillor Anthony John Richards
Richards, Councillor Peter D.Richards
Rogers, Councillor Phil Rogers
Thomas, Councillor Dan Thomas
Thomas, Councillor Sarah Thomas
Whitelock, Councillor Dave Whitelock
Williams, Councillor Chris Williams
Williams, Councillor Laura Williams
Wood, Councillor Robert William Wood
Woolford, Councillor Bob Woolford
There are no declarations of interest on this record for the period