Any urgent items (whether public or exempt) at the discretion of the Chairman pursuant to Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972
- 27/03/2019 - Agenda item, Joint Meeting of the Cabinet / Education Skills and Culture Scrutiny Committees Urgent Items 27/03/2019
- 27/03/2019 - Agenda item, Cabinet Scrutiny Committee Urgent Items 27/03/2019
- 20/11/2019 - Agenda item, Joint Meeting of the Cabinet / Education Skills and Culture Scrutiny Committees Urgent Items 20/11/2019
- 17/03/2020 - Agenda item, Joint Meeting of the Cabinet / Education Skills and Culture Scrutiny Committees Urgent Items 17/03/2020
- 21/10/2020 - Agenda item, Joint Meeting of the Cabinet / Education Skills and Culture Scrutiny Committees Urgent Items 21/10/2020
- 16/06/2021 - Agenda item, Joint Meeting of the Cabinet / Education Skills and Culture Scrutiny Committees Urgent Items 16/06/2021