
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Draft Air Quality Action Plan ref: 452212/09/202412/09/2024Not for call-in
Strategic Schools Improvement (SSIP) Proposal to reorganise Additional Learning Needs (ALN) Provision at Cefn Saeson Comprehensive School ref: 452112/09/202412/09/2024Not for call-in
Strategic Schools Improvement (SSIP) Proposal to reorganise Additional Learning Needs (ALN) Provision at Cwmtawe Comprehensive School ref: 452012/09/202412/09/2024Not for call-in
Childcare Rents in Schools ref: 451912/09/202412/09/2024Not for call-in
Welsh in Education strategic Plan Annual Report ref: 451812/09/202412/09/2024Not for call-in
An overview of the School Based Counselling Service (SBCS) support for schools and staff wellbeing ref: 451712/09/202412/09/2024Not for call-in
Celtic Leisure ref: 451612/09/202412/09/2024Not for call-in
Selection of items for future scrutiny ref: 452512/09/202412/09/2024Not for call-in
Performance Monitoring ref: 452412/09/202412/09/2024Not for call-in
To consider items from the Scrutiny Committee Forward Work Programme ref: 452312/09/202412/09/2024Not for call-in
To consider items from the Cabinet Forward Work Programme ref: 451512/09/202412/09/2024Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 452712/09/202412/09/2024Not for call-in
Chair's Announcements ref: 451312/09/202412/09/2024Not for call-in
Urgent Items ref: 452612/09/202412/09/2024Not for call-in
Treasury Management Outturn 2024-25 ref: 449005/09/202405/09/2024Not for call-in
Capital Budget Monitoring 2024-25 ref: 448905/09/202405/09/2024Not for call-in
Revenue Budget Monitoring Report 2024-25 ref: 448805/09/202405/09/2024Not for call-in
Procurement Strategy ref: 448405/09/202405/09/2024Not for call-in
Welsh Language Standards Annual Report 2023-2024 ref: 448705/09/202405/09/2024Not for call-in
Urgent Items ref: 449205/09/202405/09/2024Not for call-in
Selection of items for future scrutiny ref: 449105/09/202405/09/2024Not for call-in
Performance Monitoring ref: 448605/09/202405/09/2024Not for call-in
To consider items from the Scrutiny Committee Forward Work Programme ref: 448505/09/202405/09/2024Not for call-in
To consider items from the Cabinet Forward Work Programme ref: 448305/09/202405/09/2024Not for call-in
Minutes of Previous Meeting ref: 448205/09/202405/09/2024Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 449305/09/202405/09/2024Not for call-in
Chair's Announcements ref: 448105/09/202405/09/2024Not for call-in