
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Junction of Hawthorn Close and Ynys y Gwas, Cwmavon - Proposed prohibition of waiting at any time traffic regulation order ref: 293306/10/202206/10/2022Not for call-in
List of Approved Contractors ref: 293406/10/202206/10/2022Not for call-in
Lewis Road, George Street, Edward Street, Lewis Road Lane, Westernmoor Road and Upland Road (7.5 Tonne Weight Restriction Except for Access) Order 2022 ref: 293206/10/202206/10/2022Not for call-in
Proposed Traffic Regulation Order associated with the Planning Conditions for the Housing Development at Clos Gelli Wen, Alltwen ref: 293106/10/202206/10/2022Not for call-in
Proposed Traffic Regulation Order Associated with the Planning Conditions for the new Housing Development, Clos Castan, Neath ref: 293006/10/202206/10/2022Not for call-in
A474 Neath Road, Bryncoch (Revocation) and 40 mph Speed Limits - Traffic Regulation Order 2022 ref: 292906/10/202206/10/2022Not for call-in
Lane to rear of 1-17 Crown Street, Port Talbot - Removal of Existing No Entry Traffic Regulation Order ref: 292806/10/202206/10/2022Not for call-in
Cemetery Rules and Regulations ref: 292406/10/202206/10/2022Not for call-in
Subsidised Bus Service - Contract Extensions ref: 292606/10/202206/10/2022Not for call-in
Gelli Houses Tunnel Report ref: 292706/10/202206/10/2022Not for call-in
Street Naming and Numbering Policy and Fees ref: 292506/10/202206/10/2022Not for call-in
Proposed Re-development of Catering Kiosk and Public Convenience at Western End of Aberavon Seafront ref: 293506/10/202206/10/2022Not for call-in
Appointment of School Governors ref: 292327/09/202227/09/2022Not for call-in
Welsh in Education Strategic Plan ref: 292127/09/202227/09/2022Not for call-in
Play Sufficiency Assessment ref: 292227/09/202227/09/2022Not for call-in
Disposal of Land at Neath Leisure Centre ref: 292027/09/202227/09/2022Not for call-in