Issue - decisions

Item 2

28/01/2025 - Application No. P2024/0234 - Land To The West Of Danygraig Lane, Glynneath, SA11 5LG.

(At this point in the meeting, Councillor Jeff Jones resumed the role of Chair.)


Officers made a presentation to the Planning Committee on this Application (Outline application for the development of 3 x detached dwellings with associated works (All Matters Reserved), at Land to the West of Danygraig Lane, Between Glan Gwrelych And Ynys Y Nos Avenue, Glynneath, SA11 5LG) as detailed in the circulated report.


The Local Ward Member (Councillor Simon Knoyle) had requested that the application be determined by the Planning Committee, and was present to give his representations at the meeting.


A registered speaker gave their objections to the Application, and the Applicants Agent exercised their right of reply, in support of the Application.


RESOLVED:               That in accordance with Officers’ recommendations, Application No. P2024/0234 – Land to the West of Danygraig Lane, Between Glan Gwrelych and Ynys Y Nos Avenue, Glynneath, be Approved.