Issue - decisions

Improving Recycling Performance and Budget Delivery

13/11/2024 - Improving Recycling Performance and Budget Delivery

Cabinet agreed to include the extra wording from the Scrutiny Committee, which is included below at decision 3, in bold and italics.


That having had due regard to the Integrated Impact Assessments:


1.           The combining of paper and card kerbside collections and the introduction of small electrical item kerbside collections, be approved;


2.           The updated Missed Collections Policy (with a further review after the implementation of the in-cab ‘live feed’ system as detailed at Appendix C of the circulated report) be approved.


3.           The revised ‘No Side Waste’ Policy, as detailed at Appendix D of the circulated report, be approved, with a review report to be included with the missed collections policy.


4.           That a move to three weekly refuse collections NOT be implemented.


5.           That a green waste collection charge NOT be implemented.


6.           That measures to discontinue the provision of black sacks and the use of wheeled bins for refuse collection, NOT be included in the forthcoming budget consultation.