having due regard to the integrated impact assessment:
The current status of Pontardawe Swimming Pool,
and the reasoning for action to be taken on the grounds of health and safety
obligations on the part of the Council, be noted.
A planned closure of the Pontardawe Swimming Pool by the end of August
2024, subject to any closure that is required in the shorter term to meet
health and safety obligations, be approved.
Delegated authority be granted to the Head of Leisure, Tourism, Heritage and Culture, in consultation with the Cabinet
Member for Nature, Tourism and Wellbeing, to embark on a programme of
engagement with service users and neighbouring authorities to explore avenues
of supporting ongoing access to swimming facilities.
Delegated authority be granted to the Head of Leisure, Tourism, Heritage and Culture in consultation with the Cabinet Member
for Nature, Tourism and Wellbeing, to commission a feasibility study to
investigate options for a future site, and potential funding for a replacement
Delegated authority be granted to the Director of Environment and
Regeneration in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Nature, Tourism and
Wellbeing, to undertake the demolition of the Pontardawe Swimming Pool.
The projected savings arising from the closure of the facility, be utilised,
over a two year period, to fund the recommendations
included within this proposal.