Issue - decisions

National Underground Assets Register

28/10/2022 - National Underground Assets Register

Following the proposal of the Environment, Regeneration and Streetscene Services Scrutiny Committee, held prior to this meeting, Members were supportive of the addition number 4 to the recommendation, as detailed below:


That having had due regard to the first stage Integrated Impact Assessment:

1.   That the Council participates in the National Underground Assets Register (NUAR) project and signs up the Data Distribution Agreement further to Option 2 in the circulated report;

2.   That the Director of Environment and Regeneration, in consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services, be authorised to sign the Data Distribution Agreement on behalf of the Council;

3.   That should there be a revenue pressure arising from involvement in the project further to Option 2, funding would need to be identified within the existing Environment and Regeneration budget should continuation be considered a priority.

4.   That a review on the costs and benefits of option 2, contained within the circulated report, be brought back to the Environment, Regeneration and Streetscene Services Scrutiny Committee in April 2024, detailing the potential continuation of the scheme.