Issue - decisions

To receive the Report of (Insert)

27/09/2022 - Disposal of Land at Neath Leisure Centre

That having given due regard to the first stage Integrated Impact Assessment:


a)   Declare the land and premises at Neath Leisure Centre at Dyfed Rd, Neath surplus to the ongoing strategic leisure requirements of the Education, Leisure and Lifelong Learning Service and once vacant transfer ongoing responsibility for the future management and disposal to the Head of Property and Regeneration.


b)   That Head of Participation and the Head of Property and

Regeneration be granted delegated authority to accept a surrender of the existing lease of the facility from the existing tenant.


c)    That the Head of Property and Regeneration in conjunction with the Head of Legal Services be granted delegated authority to serve a termination notice on and ensure vacant possession is obtained by the existing sub tenant of part of the facility.


d)   That Delegated Authority be granted to the Head of Property and Regeneration in conjunction with the Head of Legal Services to enter into a short term lease for Celtic Leisure to operate the new Neath Leisure Centre from its opening until 31st March 2023 date of the transfer of indoor leisure services into the Council. (or, if the 31st March 2023 date is not met, the date when leisure services are brought back in house).