Issue - decisions

To receive the report of (Insert)

24/01/2017 - Swansea Bay City Deal



1.        That the amendments made verbally at the meeting to Appendix 1 to the circulated report on the Centre of Excellence for Next Generation Services, be noted;


2.    That the Leader of Council be given delegated authority to agree and sign (or have signed on his behalf) an in principle City Deal agreement on the basis described in the circulated report;


3.    That the substance of the City Deal, including any subsequently signed agreement, be referred to the Economic and Community Regeneration Scrutiny Committee (or its successor) for further consideration;


4.    That, prior to the local government elections, an all Member seminar be convened on the Swansea Bay City Deal;


5.    That officers be requested to bring a further full report to Cabinet and Council on any definitive commitments following the local government elections in May should the City Deal agreement be signed in principle;


6.    That the report be referred to Council on 25 January, 2016 for information/discussion.