Events Calendar
6 May 2024 MONDAY

Bank Holiday - May Day

7 May 2024 TUESDAY
8.30 am

South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee - Regional Transport Sub-Committee - Via Microsoft Teams

8 May 2024 WEDNESDAY
10.00 am

Longlisting for post of Chief Executive, NPTCBC, Special Appointments Committee - Multi - Location Meeting via Teams or Council Chamber, Port Talbot Civic Centre

2.00 pm

Joint Meeting of the Cabinet / Education Skills and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committees - Council Chamber - Port Talbot Civic Centre

2.00 pm

CANCELLED - Cabinet Scrutiny Committee - Multi-Location Meeting - Council Chamber, Port Talbot & Microsoft Teams

2.05 pm

Extra, Cabinet - Multi-Location Meeting Council Chamber, Port Talbot and Microsoft Teams

9 May 2024 THURSDAY
2.00 pm

CANCELLED - PSB - Wellbeing Plan, Cabinet Scrutiny Committee - Multi-Location Meeting - Council Chamber, Port Talbot & Microsoft Teams

10 May 2024 FRIDAY
2.00 pm

Annual Meeting of Council

13 May 2024 MONDAY
10.00 am

CANCELLED - Registration and Licensing Committee - Multi Location Microsoft Teams/Council Chamber

10.00 am

CANCELLED - Licensing and Gambling Acts Committee - Multi Location Hybrid Microsoft Teams/Council Chamber

10.05 am

CANCELLED - Licensing and Gambling Acts Sub Committee - Multi Location Hybrid Micosoft Teams/Council Chamber

2.00 pm

South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee - Energy Sub-Committee - Via Microsoft Teams

14 May 2024 TUESDAY
2.00 pm

CANCELLED - Cabinet (Policy and Resources) Scrutiny Sub Committee - Microsft Teams Meeting/ Hybrid Meeting in Council Chamber

15 May 2024 WEDNESDAY
2.00 pm

Annual Meeting of Council, Annual Meeting of Council - Hybrid Meeting. Council Chamber and via Microsoft Teams

2.05 pm

Annual Meeting, Cabinet - Multi-Location Meeting Council Chamber, Port Talbot and Microsoft Teams

2.10 pm

Annual Meeting, Licensing and Gambling Acts Committee - Multi Location Hybrid Microsoft Teams/Council Chamber

16 May 2024 THURSDAY
10.00 am

CANCELLED - South West Wales Corporate Joint Committee - Overview and Scrutiny Sub-Committee

17 May 2024 FRIDAY