Agenda item

Current Position Paper Regarding Margam Open Cast Coal Site (OCCS) Enforcement Reference Number E2013/0028


(Cllr.R.G.Jones relinquished his position as Chairperson, Cllr.E.E. Jones took the Chair for the remainder of the meeting.)


The Head of Planning reminded Members of the background to the issues in relation to the Margam Open Cast Coal Site (OCCS), and also gave an update on the current position, with three potential options containing benefits and disbenefits to those respective options in order to resolve matters, as detailed within the circulated report.


Following discussions, the following  agreed amended recommendation was made:



that authorisation is secured to pursue Option 3, as detailed within the circulated report, in accordance with the strict timescales as detailed below.  Should the timescales be not complied with by Celtic and Oak/Beech, Option 1 be pursued with immediate effect.




1. Commence pre-application discussions with all regulators.


2. Commence partial   dewatering of the void.


3. Submit Planning Application to both Local Planning Authorities.


4. Submit all necessary consents to National Resources Wales.


5. Determination of Planning Application (subject to all required information being submitted on time).



6. Work on a new Section 106 to run in tandem with the Planning.)  Application. Signing of the S106 by all interested parties.


7. Commence work on site.


8. Complete site safety and alternative restoration works.




31 October 2015



31 October 2015


Beginning of January 2016


Beginning of January 2016



30 April 2016






30 April 2016



31 May 2016


No later than 31 May 2017





Supporting documents: