Agenda item

Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015




1.              That the Head of Corporate Strategy and Democratic Services be authorised to take the actions necessary to secure compliance by the Local Authority with s26 and s36 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, and associated statutory guidance issued by the Home Secretary in relation thereto;


 2.      That the above delegations be reported to Council in due course           in order that authority to amend the Constitution may be obtained;


 3.      That Officers contact the WLGA to request that representations be made to Ministers concerning the fact that no new resources had been identified to support the new duties placed on local authorities in relation to the legislation subject of this report and other similar reports on today’s agenda.


Reasons for Decisions:


1.              To provide the relevant Officers with the delegated authority to implement the actions necessary for the Authority to be able to comply with Sections 26, 36 and the Statutory Guidance, issued by the Home Secretary under Section 29 of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015.


2.              To draw to the attention of Ministers, the imposition of new duties without a corresponding allocation of new resources to fulfill the new duties.


Implementation of Decisions:


The decision is will be implemented after the three day call-in period.









Supporting documents: