Agenda item

Application No:P2012/0352 - 141 Dinas Baglan Road and Land Adjacent and Land at Rear of 85-139 Dinas Baglan Road and Land at Rear of 1-63 Sarnfarn Baglan Road


In accordance with the Council’s approved Public Speaking  Protocol Mr. I. Pike (Objector) and Mr. M. Roberts (Appellant Right of Reply), addressed the Planning Committee.  The Committee also considered the views of the invited Local Members.



That following a Site Visit on the 18th August 2015, and contrary to the Officer Recommendation as detailed in the circulated report, the Application be refused on the following grounds:


The site falls within Noise Exposure Category (NEC) C as defined in Technical Advice Note 11 (TAN 11), wherein TAN 11 advises that planning permission should not normally be granted, and it is considered that the level of noise at the site caused primarily by its proximity to the M4 and M4 sliproads cannot be mitigated to an acceptable degree which would ensure adequate levels of residential amenity for the future occupiers of the development.  Accordingly, the proposed development would fail to accord with TAN 11: Noise (1997) and Policies GC1 and ENV 27 of the adopted Neath Port Talbot Unitary Development Plan.



Supporting documents: