Agenda item

Lottery and Employee Wellbeing Initiative




1.       That the intention of the Corporate Health Group to establish an NPT Staff Association and its day to day management of the Association to be undertaken by an Executive Committee with outline terms of reference, as set out at Appendix 1 to the private circulated report, with a detailed Constitution being developed, be noted;


2.       that the NPT Staff Association will establish a Private Society Lottery and  Employee Wellbeing Fund that will benefit its members, and the Executive Committee will make decisions in relation to those funds, in line with the terms of reference at Appendix 1 to the private circulated report, and in accordance with the detailed Constitution, be noted.


3.       that the  part-time administrative post within the Corporate Strategy and Democratic Services Department to provide the administrative service that the Executive Committee will need, including the use of Council facilities, be approved, with the salary cost of the administrative post to be met in full by the lottery funds, and the appointee to be seconded from the existing workforce;

4.       that the proposal that the Internal Audit Service to audit the lottery and employee wellbeing funds, with the cost of the audit work to be met from the funds, be approved;

5.       that the proposal that the Finance Department  make staff lottery deductions from the payroll, to charge the NPT Staff Association an administration fee equivalent to 2% of deductions, and to pay over the funds generated to the lottery prize fund and employee wellbeing fund to a bank account to be controlled by the NPT Staff Association through its Executive Committee, be approved;


6.       That the Communications department be authorised to assist in promoting the NPT Staff Association, associated lottery and employee wellbeing initiatives, the costs of which to be borne by the lottery fund.






Reasons for Decisions:


To create an NPT Staff Association and to provide authority for services to be provided to the Executive Committee of the Association by the Council, on a chargeable basis.


Implementation of  Decisions


The decisions are for immediate implementation.