Agenda item

Direct Services Report Card


Members considered the Direct Services Report Card which was the first to be presented to the Committee as part of the new performance management framework of the Council.


Members drew attention to the abbreviations and acronyms used throughout the report and asked for this to be kept to a minimum in future.


Members asked for details on the multi -media care plans and were informed that they include using a secure web based portal which incorporates multi- media software such as video and social media to review how a service is delivering for a particular service user. Members heard how they can be accessed by families and social workers as evidence of competence towards set learning outcomes.


Members were pleased to see the reduction in sickness absence levels from 6.8% in April to 5.9% in May but they queried if there were particular reasons why certain teams seemed to have higher levels of absence than others. Officers informed the Committee that certain teams work with service users who have complex and high dependency needs with multiple manual handling and personal care issues; the main reasons for sickness absence are back complaints, colds and flu and sickness bugs. Members were pleased to see that the service was continuing to manage sickness with a zero tolerance approach and the policy and the dedicated HR support was assisting them to do so.


Members queried why the staff supervision percentage was only 58% and asked what was being doing to address this and by when could they expect to see an improvement. Officers explained that this low figure was mainly attributable to one manager and this was being addressed and an improvement should be evident by October 2015.


Members asked if all staff had had an appraisal and a Personal Development Review by the 1st July deadline that was included in the report. Officers informed the Members that this wasn’t yet complete and the team were in the process of working through all staff. Members heard that the process had been delayed by the reduction of staff in the section by 25% from the latest ER/VR exercise but planned to complete this action by October 2015.  Members noted that the corporate appraisals were being used at present but a version was being adapted to be more relevant to the service and this would be rolled out upon completion and after approval at Personnel Committee.


Members questioned the fact that not all services had a full risk assessment in place and were pleased to learn that this was being addressed in line with care standards throughout the service.


Members were pleased to note that there had been no incidents of DOL’s (Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards) or Child Protection reported and asked if all members of staff were up to date in their training in these areas.


Members felt the report card format was useful and they valued the insight into the service areas that they allow for. They requested that all service areas within the purview of the Committee schedule their report cards into the Work Programme for the Committee.


Following scrutiny the report was noted.

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