Agenda item

Policy Review - Third Sector Grants


That having given due regard to the Equality Impact Assessment, it is

recommended that:


1.      Members approve the Neath Port Talbot Third Sector Grant Funding Scheme.


2.      Delegate authority to the Director of Finance and Corporate Services to take the necessary steps to implement the Scheme, and submit for Member approval, a list of the proposed Grants for award.


3.      That the Director of Finance and Corporate Services be required to furnish the Policy & Resources Cabinet Board with a report, at least annually, on the operation of the Scheme, including a summary of bids received, bids supported or not supported, a description of outputs and outcomes secured by grant recipients and advise as to whether the Scheme requires amendment or not.






That having given due regard to the Equality Impact Assessment, it is

recommended that:


1.      Members approve the Neath Port Talbot Third Sector Grant Funding Scheme.


2.      Members supported the request made at the Scrutiny Committee regarding the following amended recommendation:

that Members delegate authority to the Director of Finance and  Corporate Services to take the necessary steps to implement the Scheme, and submit for Member approval, a list of the proposed Grants for award.


3.      that the Director of Finance and Corporate Services be required to furnish the Policy & Resources Cabinet Board with a report, at least annually, on the operation of the Scheme, including a summary of bids received, bids supported or not supported, a description of outputs and outcomes secured by grant recipients and advise as to whether the Scheme requires amendment or not.


Reason for Decision:


To improve the value for money and governance arrangements of the provision of grant funding to the Third Sector.


Implementation of  Decision:


The decision will be implemented after the three day call-in period.








Supporting documents: