Agenda item

Annual Development Reviews and Member Development 2015/16


Committee noted the report in relation to Members’ Annual Development Reviews (ADR’s) and Member Development and noted, attached as an Appendix to the circulated report, a copy of the draft Schedule of Member Seminars and a copy of the training available via the WLGA.  A copy of the draft Schedule of Seminars would be circulated following agreement by Committee today.


Members suggested that the training section be approached regarding the training being provided either internally to Officers or by Officers in relation to, for example, new legislation etc, with a view to this being extended to include Members, where appropriate.


Some Members felt that the ADR process helped Members focus on their development to date and to also identify any future training needs.  Members also asked whether the training sessions provided were accredited.  It was confirmed that they were not, however Officers would look into the provision of accredited training and report back to Committee.


Members raised the times of Seminars (9am and 3pm) and requested an analysis of attendance at the Seminars.  In addition Members requested that consideration be given to surveying all Members to ascertain the preferred times for the start of meetings and seminars.


RESOLVED:             a.             that the Draft Member Development Programme, enclosed at Appendix 1 to the circulated report, be approved and circulated to all Members for information;


                                    b.             that Members of the Committee promote the participation in the second round of Member Annual Development Reviews, in line with the revised scheme;


                                    c.             that Officers undertake a review of attendance figures at Seminars, and also consider undertaking a survey of all Members in relation to preferred start times of meetings/seminars;


                                    d.             that Officers look into providing accredited training for Members;


                                    e.             that discussions be held with the Training Section, in relation to Members being included in the training provided, if appropriate.





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