Agenda item

Application P2008/0024 - Farmland adjoining Forestry, East of Crynant and South of Seven Sisters, Neath - Hirfynydd Wind Farm


Members received a detailed update from the Planning Officer giving a background to the application as detailed in the circulated urgent report, in the light of the imminent inquiry commencing on the 29th July 2015 which continues to object to the development.



(a)  that Delegated Authority be given to the Head of Planning and the Development Manager (Planning), to withdraw some or all of the Council’s objections to the application, in the event that Counsel advises that the proposed section 106 Legal Agreement, together with the evidence relating to physical mitigation, sufficiently addresses/overcomes the Council’s objections in respect of the potential implications on the recovery of coal in the public interest.


(b)   that the report be noted.