Agenda item

Re-structure of the Planning Committee


Members were advised by the Head of Planning that following the restructuring of the Planning Committee in November 2014, and the introduction of Public Speaking rights etc, it was agreed that a review would take place within approximately six months to establish the effectiveness of the re-structure. Opinions and feedback were therefore sought from Members to include within the report which will be prepared as part of the review process.


The feedback from Members was very positive where Members were in agreement that the restructured Committee was conducting formal business in a more informal format, which was less intimidating and encouraged/stimulated everyone to contribute to the debate.  As a consequence, the quality of the decision making process had improved.  The venue and seating arrangements were also more conducive to better decision making.


Members were informed that this feedback would be included within the report which will be prepared as a consequence of the review.  Members were also asked to submit any suggestions which they may have to further improve the way we operate the decision making process by the week ending 26th June, 2015.



that the verbal update concerning the Review of Planning Committee by the Head of Planning, be noted, and that any further improvement suggestions by Members be submitted by 26th June, 2015.