Agenda item

To select appropriate private items from the Cabinet Board Agenda for pre-scrutiny (Cabinet Board Reports enclosed for Scrutiny Members).


4.1     Appointment of Design Consultancy Services for the Vibrant and Viable Places Programme (VVP) – Green Park Connections Project


Members noted the Private Report of the Head of Property and Regeneration.


Members raised concern over the cost of bringing in the Consultant and wondered if it was something that could have been done in-house.


Officers advised that the Consultancy firm in question had been used before by NPTCBC and that it provided continuity and value for money. Due to the capacity issues, it would be difficult to undertake the work in-house. The VVP funding has to be delivered within a certain time.  There have already been delays as the site has uncovered archaeological remains. The significance of those finds had yet to be established but further information can be brought to the next meeting.


Members queried the deadline for the grant and were advised that the money has to be given out annually over a period of three to four years. Using the same Contractor for the work ensures continuity of work. An update will be brought to the next meeting on the 19th June 2015.


Following scrutiny, the Committee was supportive of the proposal(s) to be considered by the Cabinet Board.



4.2     Proposed Lease of the Community Education Centre, Margam Road, Taibach, Port Talbot


Members noted the Private Report of the Head of Property and Regeneration.


Members were advised that a Community Interest Company were applying for the lease of this building. It was decided that the best management of the proposed lease was to have a rental level placed on the building and the tenant could apply for grant funding to help pay toward the lease. This follows the previously agreed procedure.  A Service Level Agreement can be drawn up with provisos so that current users are protected.


Following scrutiny, the Committee was supportive of the proposal(s) to be considered by the Cabinet Board.