Agenda item

Application NO: P2012/1073

East Pit Revised OCCS, New Road, Gwaun Cae Gurwen, Neath, SA18 1UP


A planning application at the site currently known as East Pit East Revised OCCS, Gwaun-cae-Gurwen, SA18 1UP for development comprising:


Matters of Outline with all matters reserved: leisure facilities to include: a 120-bedroom hotel (Use Class C1); 78 holiday lodges (Class C3) of 2, 3 and 4 bed-units;a campsite (Sui Generis) of 6.35ha. with facilities block of 210m2 and Visitors Centre (Class D1) of 300m2; dive centre with ancillary dive centre shop (Class D2) of 1630m2; all to include appropriate parking provision, recreational open space, internal access routes, services and drainage provision; and associated works including access, footpaths, cycle routes and bridleways, landscaping and layout details;

Matters of Detail (as set out in the application at Annex 1: Mineral Extraction and Processing) the proposed north eastern extension to East Pit East Revised for the purposes of coal extraction along with the completion of coaling at the existing site and the retention of associated ancillary development and Gwaun-Cae-Gurwen Railhead together with the development of a Country Park and recreational lake.


Ward Affected:  Gwaun Cae Gurwen



A planning application at the site currently known as East Pit East Revised OCCS, Gwaun-cae-Gurwen, SA18 1UP for development comprising:


Matters of Outline with all matters reserved: leisure facilities to include: a 120-bedroom hotel (Use Class C1); 78 holiday lodges (Class C3) of 2, 3 and 4 bedunits;a campsite (Sui Generis) of 6.35ha. with facilities block of 210m2 and Visitors Centre (Class D1) of 300m2; dive centre with ancillary dive centre shop (Class D2) of 1630m2; all to include appropriate parking provision, recreational open space, internal access routes, services and drainage provision; and associated works including access, footpaths, cycle routes and bridleways, landscaping and layout details; Matters of Detail (as set out in the application at Annex 1: Mineral Extraction and Processing) the proposed north eastern extension to East Pit East Revised for the purposes of coal extraction along with the completion of coaling at the existing site and the retention of associated ancillary development and Gwaun-Cae-Gurwen Railhead together with the development of a Country Park and recreational lake.


In accordance with the Council’s approved Public Speaking Protocol, Mr. S. Robinson (Supporter of the Application) addressed the Planning Committee.


Following detailed discussions, and, after considering the views of the local Members, the Committee made their decision.



That the above Application be approved subject to the Officer recommendations, and the signing of a Section 106 agreement to secure the following Heads of Terms, as detailed within the circulated report and circulated amendment sheet:


1.       Provision of a Bond to the total of £23,000,000 to secure restoration and aftercare of the site, plus an additional £7,615,000 to be paid at the end of the first annual review.


2.       Appointment at the expense of the operator of an independent restoration and aftercare monitoring officer who will be responsible for monitoring restoration in accordance with the detailed tasks outlined within the Bond report prepared by the Coal Authority.


3.       Appointment at the expense of the operator of an independent geotechnical expert who will monitor the stability of the Eastern High

          Wall throughout the duration of the operations until restoration is complete.


4.       Provision of commuted sums (sums to be agreed) for the repair and maintenance of additional footbridges on the reinstated public rights of way proposed throughout the site.


5.       Provision of a footway along the A4068 from the site entrance into the villages of Cwmllynfell and Cefn-Bryn-Brain.


6.       Provision of a community fund amounting to £475,000 as specified within Appendix A of this report.


Such permission to be issued only in the event the Welsh Government withdraws the Article 18 holding direction issued on the 27th April 2015, as stated by the Chairman orally at the commencement of the meeting.



(Note:  with regard to the amendment sheet referred to above and attached as an Appendix A, on which the Chair had allowed sufficient time for Members to read, in respect of an application item on the published agenda, the Chairman had permitted urgent circulation/consideration thereof at today’s meeting, the particular reasons and the circumstances being not to further delay the planning process, unless the Committee itself wanted to defer any applications and to ensure that Members take all extra relevant information into account before coming to any decision at the meeting).


Supporting documents: