Agenda item

Corporate Strategy and Democratic Services Business Plan 2015-2016


Members noted the savings that had been made within the areas of responsibility of the Head of Corporate Strategy and Democratic Services and were appreciative of the hard work in achieving this however the effects of increased levels of work on staff would need to be monitored. 


Members were pleased that the previous Scrutiny Committee had requested to see on a regular basis the;


a)       score cards for each of the services;

b)      a report on the outcomes of the CCTV option appraisal

c)       the arrangements for the management of long term sickness absence cases across the Council;

d)      the Welsh Language Standards and plan for compliance.




That the Corporate Strategy and Democratic Services Business Plan for the financial year 2015/16, as detailed within the circulated report, be endorsed.


Reason for Decision:


To authorise the Corporate Strategy and Democratic Services Business Plan for 2015/16.


Implementation of Decision:


The decision will be implemented after the three day call in period.




The item has been subject to external consultation as part of the wider budget proposals for the financial year 2015/16 and the outcome of that consultation has informed the report.


Supporting documents: