Agenda item

Application No. P2024/0301 - Caewern House, Dwr-Y-Felin Road, Caewern SA10 7RH

Demolition of Caewern House and construction of 36 no. affordable residential flats in five 3-storey blocks together with access, parking, footpaths, drainage, open space, landscaping and associated works including electric vehicle charging points, bin/cycle storage, pv solar arrays and air source heat pumps at Caewern House, Dwr-Y-Felin Road, Caewern SA10 7RH.


Officers made a presentation to the Planning Committee on this Application)

Demolition of Caewern House and construction of 36 no. affordable residential flats in five 3-storey blocks together with access, parking, footpaths, drainage, open space, landscaping and associated works including electric vehicle charging points, bin/cycle storage, pv solar arrays and air source heat pumps (Caewern House, Dwr-Y-Felin Road, Caewern, SA10 7RH) as detailed in the circulated report.


The Local Ward Members (Councillors Jo Hale and Chris Williams) had requested that the application be determined by the Planning Committee and were present to give their representations at the meeting.


A registered speaker gave their objections to the Application, and the Applicants Agent exercised their right of reply, in support of the Application.


At this point of the meeting, a site visit was proposed for Application No. P2024/0301 – Caewern House, Dwr-Y-Felin Road, Caewern SA10 7RH.


Following the conclusion of the vote, the proposal for a site visit was not supported.


RESOLVED:                 That in accordance with Officers’ recommendations, Application No. P2024/0301 – Caewern House, Dwr-Y-Felin Road, Caewern SA10 7RH, be Approved.



Officers made a presentation to the Planning Committee on this Application)

Demolition of Caewern House and construction of 36 no. affordable residential flats in five 3-storey blocks together with access, parking, footpaths, drainage, open space, landscaping and associated works including electric vehicle charging points, bin/cycle storage, pv solar arrays and air source heat pumps (Caewern House, Dwr-Y-Felin Road, Caewern, SA10 7RH) as detailed in the circulated report.


The Local Ward Members (Councillors Jo Hale and Chris Williams) had requested that the application be determined by the Planning Committee and were present to give their representations at the meeting.


A registered speaker gave their objections to the Application, and the Applicants Agent exercised their right of reply, in support of the Application.


At this point of the meeting, a site visit was proposed for Application No. P2024/0301 – Caewern House, Dwr-Y-Felin Road, Caewern SA10 7RH.


Following the conclusion of the vote, the proposal for a site visit was not supported.


RESOLVED:                 That in accordance with Officers’ recommendations, Application No. P2024/0301 – Caewern House, Dwr-Y-Felin Road, Caewern SA10 7RH, be Approved.


Supporting documents: