Agenda item

Economic Development CRM System – Contract Renewal




That having had due regard to the integrated impact assessment, Members approve a new three-year contract by direct award with Alcium Software Limited, for the continued provision of their Evolutive CRM system.


Reasons for Proposed Decision:


The reasons for the recommendation are as follows.

                  The CRM system is integral to the delivery of current and planned activity including externally funded programmes.

                  Delivery timeframes e.g. Tata grant funds, do not allow for an alternative system to be considered and procured.

                  External funding is available to cover the costs if completed by February 2025.


Implementation of Decision:


‘The decision is proposed for implementation after the three day call in period’ (note: this is the default option and is expected to be the option that is used in most reports.) Please note that you should not implement recommendations until the three day call-in period has elapsed.

Supporting documents: