An update was provided
in terms of the appointment of additional advisors to support the Private
Sector Advisory Board (PSAB) to the South West Wales
Corporate Joint Committee (SWWCJC).
A discussion took place
in regard to taking these matters forward now that the advisors had been
formally agreed; one of the first steps would be to hold an introductory
meeting in January 2025, whereby the terms of reference and duties of those
advisors will be clarified.
That it be noted that fourteen additional advisors have been offered to
support the Private Sector Advisory Board (PSAB) and South
West Wales Corporate Joint Committee (SWWCJC), subject to the Advisor
That the complete list of Advisors, outlined within Appendix C of the
circulated report (subject to the acceptance of the Advisor Agreement), be
That delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive of the SWWCJC
and the Monitoring Officer SWWCJC to ensure that suitable and sufficient
measures are adopted to ensure compliance whilst working in collaboration with
Advisors to develop the PSAB.
That delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive of the SWWCJC
and the Monitoring Officer SWWCJC to reserve the right to withdraw offer/s of
appointment whereby either the Advisor Agreement is not accepted
or criteria is not satisfied.
That delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive of the SWWCJC
and the Monitoring Officer SWWCJC to publish details of Advisors, contained
within Appendix C of the circulated report, with the prior consent of
appointees, to promote the development of PSAB and SWWCJC.
Supporting documents: