Agenda item

Arboricultural Management Plan




That having had due regard to the first stage Integrated Impact Assessment, it be agreed that:


1.           The updated Arboricultural Management Plan and the Operational Action Plan (as detailed at Appendix A to the circulated report) associated with tree inspections, be endorsed.


2.           The 12 month transition period required before full compliance with the plan is achieved, be acknowledged.


3.           The use of the in-year allocation of capital funding for tree works included for 24/25 in the capital programme, be noted.


4.           The potential scale of future capital needs be noted, and a further report be brought back to Cabinet on completion of the detailed survey work.


Reason for Decisions:


To ensure the Council fulfils its Duty of Care with respect to public safety in relation to tree management, to minimise associated risks to visitors and the Council, and to appropriately maintain the Council’s Tree Stock.


Implementation of Decisions:


The decisions will be implemented after the three day call in period.

Supporting documents: