Members received an overview of the
Self-Assessment 2023/2024, as detailed in the circulated report.
It was explained that the document is user
friendly and the content written in a way that ensures that Officers are held
to account for the information they add to the report.
Officers stated the
capacity within the team has now strengthened. The aim is to bring the annual
report to the Committee by September 2025.
Members highlighted
that it is difficult to read the document if you are looking at it from a
mobile phone, or an iPad.
Members asked in
relation to Leadership and Management, do Officers have regular appraisals with
staff and are they taking place.
Officers stated
there is work to do to strengthen the appraisal process. Officers have had
sight of the staff survey that was undertaken last year and the percentage of
staff who believe to have had an appraisal is not as high as expected. Officers
mentioned there will be a report taken to Governance and Audit Committee in due
Members asked was
the procurement strategy approved in 2024. Officers stated that it was approved
in the Summer of 2024.
Members asked in
relation to ‘In the summary of performance 23/24’, it states it has 63 aims
altogether, 42 were on track and 3 were off track, what has happened to the
other aims. Members also mentioned it states there is more work to do, does
that mean off track.
Members mentioned
the detail of the elements and didn’t find the narrative to be compelling to
support the change, Members asked Officers to explain this.
Members asked in
relation to the improvement action plan, will there be interim reporting of
progress against the individual actions, it would be helpful to see this
Officers stated in
terms of the dashboards they do need to improve on that piece of work and to
hold individual workshops for each directorate.
In terms of the
Corporate Plan, Officers have moved from 2022- 2027 version and are now in
2024-2027 version, continuing through the Corporate Plan there were five year
aims initially, Officers are carrying through those aims through the Corporate
Plan to meet the wellbeing objectives. The strategic priorities sit underneath
the aims. Officers explained they want to make sure that have a mechanism for
when they get to 2027.
Officers explained
in relation to the 63 aims, this was looked over a year period, whereas a lot
of priorities are over 3-4 years. Officers mentioned they need to be clearer
with regards to the off track/more to do/on track.
In relation to the Improvement
Action Plan, members referred to the Action Description which stated Develop a
Medium-Term Financial Strategy, 2021/2022 self-assessment to achieve by March
2023. Members asked was that March 2023, ongoing and well overdue or should it
be March 2025 which aligns with the rest of the dates in the document.
Officers stated it
was due by March 2023, but it is well overdue due to the lack of any forward
planning information that the Welsh Government can provide, that has gone to
March 2025, Officers stated it is very much work in progress. Members thanked
Officers for the hard work they have done.
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