Agenda item

Public Health (Wales) Act 2017 - Special Procedures Licensing


In addition to the request for delegated powers, as contained within the circulated report, Officers requested that the following delegated powers be added to paragraphs 22 and 23 of the circulated report, for consideration by Cabinet:


·        Section 65(2) – Power to give notice that an application for a special procedure licence is refused.

·        Section 66(3&6) – Power to give notice that an application for a special procedure licence is refused.

·        Section 68 – Power to give notice that a special procedure licence is revoked.




That the proposed fee structure as set out in the table at paragraph 21 of the circulated report, and the scheme of delegated powers set out at paragraphs 22 and 23 of the circulated report (including the three additional delegated powers verbally added at the meeting), be approved.


Reason for Decision:


To ensure that the Council’s Licensing Authority has an appropriate fee structure in place prior to the commencement of the new legislation, and to enable officers to deal efficiently with applications and enforcement. 


Implementation of Decision:


The decision will be implemented after the three day call in period.



Supporting documents: