Agenda item

Strategic Equality Plan 2024-2028


The revised Strategic Equality Plan (SEP) for 2024-2028 was presented to Council following approval at Cabinet on 24th July 2024.


Attention was drawn to a statement in the report stating that NPT has one of the largest Gypsy and Traveller Communities in Wales and more detail around this was sought.


The Officers committed to responding in writing with further detail.


It was noted that feedback from the Scrutiny Committees had been fed into the Plan.  


RESOLVED:       That Council adopt the Strategic Equality Plan 2024-2028.


                             That the Head of People and Organisational Development be given delegated authority to make such changes as may be needed to the Strategic Equality Plan prior to publication, provided that such changes do not materially alter the content of the document considered by Council.


Supporting documents: