Agenda item

Tata Steel Transition




hat having due regard to the integrated impact assessment screening assessment


(a)Subject to the completion of an appropriate Memorandum of Understanding/ Grant Agreement, delegated authority is granted to the Chief Executive for Neath Port Talbot Council to undertake the role of Accountable Body and for the drawdown of UK Government funds to mitigate the impacts of the Tata Steel transition as detailed in the short form delivery plans.


(b)That delegated authority is granted to the Chief Executive, in consultation with the Leader and relevant cabinet member to agree and enter into a Memorandum of Understanding/Grant Agreement and any other associated documents with UK Government to draw down the funds referenced in paragraph (a) above.


(c)That delegated authority is granted to the Chief Executive to deliver the specific interventions, including commissioning external organisations, overseeing the schemes, providing direct support, paying grants, and distributing funding to other organisations as may be applicable.


(d)That delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive to enter into grant agreements and any other associated documents with recipients of the funds identified in paragraph (a) above as may be applicable for their service areas on terms and conditions to be agreed in consultation with the Head of Legal and Democratic Services.


Reasons for Proposed Decision:


To allow and enable UKG funding to be utilised by the Council to mitigate the impacts of the Tata Steel transition, where it is appropriate.


Implementation of Decision:


The decision is proposed for implementation after the three-day call in period.