Agenda item

Application No. P2023/0101 - McDonalds Restaurants Ltd, Alltwen

Erection of a freestanding drive-thru/restaurant, car parking, landscaping and associated works, including Customer Order Displays (COD) and play frame, at Tesco Car Park, Gwyn's Pl, Alltwen, Pontardawe, SA8 3AZ.


This application had been subject to a site visit on 5 August 2024, and was attended by those Members of the Planning Committee who were able to.


Planning Officers gave a presentation of Application No. P2023/0101 – McDonalds Restaurants Ltd, Erection of a freestanding drive-thru/restaurant, car parking, landscaping and associated works, including Customer Order Displays (COD) and play frame, at Tesco Car Park, Gwyn's Pl, Alltwen, Pontardawe, SA8 3AZ.


The Local Ward Member had requested that the application be determined by the Planning Committee, and was present to give her representations at the meeting.


The Ward Member for Gwaun-Cae-Gurwen and Lower Brynaman gave her representations as an objector.


In accordance with the Councils approved public speaking protocol, the applicant’s representative exercised their right to reply, and addressed the Planning Committee.


The Committee voted to include an extra condition, which is reflected in the decision below:


RESOLVED:               That in accordance with Officers’ recommendations, Application No. P2023/0101 – McDonalds Restaurants Ltd, Alltwen, be Approved, subject to the conditions detailed within the circulated report, and the amendment to condition 20, as follows: That the opening hours for the drive through be brought in line with the restaurant opening hours - that being 7am till 11pm, seven days a week.

Supporting documents: