Agenda item

Strategic Equality Plan 2024/2028


Following scrutiny, members supported the recommendation outlined in the draft Cabinet report.


Members considered the report as circulated within the agenda pack.


Officers outlined that this is a plan that is governed by statute. The equality objectives outlined within the plan have not changed since the last plan as it is felt that they are still relevant to the communities within Neath Port Talbot. As a result of this there was no requirement for the authority to consult on the plan. It is noted that the action section has been updated to make it more SMART. It now includes not only the actions, but also the outcomes and measures against each action. This will assist in measuring progress against each action and will be used to assist with presenting information on the Strategic Equality Plan Annual Report moving forward. It is noted that in the revision of the plan, there was a wide corporate effort with input from across the whole Council.


Members queried if job applications for employment across the authority are being anonymised or are there some exceptions? Officers confirmed that the authority has the capability to anonymise application forms and currently this is an option that recruiting managers can select. It is not yet mandatory. In order to make it mandatory the Recruitment and Selection Policy will need to be changed. Before this is done, officers will carry out of a lot of awareness raising with recruiting managers and this will be done in a range of ways.


There is one specific appointment where the application form was not anonymised. This related to the Chief Executive post. It was recognised that in order to anonymise the application form a large amount of information would have needed to have been stripped from the form which would have made shortlisting very difficult.


Officers advised that the amended policy would be presented to the Personnel Committee before Christmas.


Members expressed their concerns about providing equitable and inclusive education to all pupils, particularly those from low income families. Sandfields Primary was identified by the local member as an outlier in terms of all social deprivation indexes. Members expressed their concern in terms of the funding for the school and the support that is required in the school. The member was advised that information would be obtained and disseminated to the local member following the meeting.


Members considered digital inclusion outlined within the plan. Concern was expressed about the little detail included within the plan in terms of age discrimination and mental capacity for learning and accessing the internet. A mapping exercise was referred to on page 136 of the report and the report indicated that a report had been concluded on this. Members were keen to understand what the mapping exercise report contained and how the authority intends to include those that are currently digitally excluded.


Officers confirmed that there is funding available under the SPF support scheme for social care to provide support to those that are digitally excluded. Officers confirmed that they would seek further information from social care colleagues to find out how that funding is being used in the community to provide support for those digitally excluded.


Members considered the action plan. However, it is not clear who is owning the actions and what other plans contain additional actions related to the plan. Officers confirmed they do have a record of which officers supplied each action. Officers confirmed they would add the posts of the person responsible for each action. Member queried, if the action was contained within another plan or document, if this could also be referenced. Officers confirmed this would be done.


Members considered the neurodivergence policy referred to in the plan. Officers confirmed the tracking of the policy sits within the Strategic Workforce Plan. All employment actions will be tracked as part of this process. A full review will be carried out on the delivery plan at the end of the year. As part of this, the review will determine if the action has been carried out and what are the impact of the actions. The report will consider if the policy has had the intended effect and if not, how policy can be improved to do this.


Following scrutiny, members supported the recommendation outlined in the draft Cabinet report.

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