Agenda item

Application No: P2014/0402

Mynydd Y Gwrhyd, North of Pontardawe, East of Cwmgors

Variation of condition 1 of Planning Permission P2007/1413 (Granted on Appeal on the 07.05.09) to allow for the extension of time for the commencement of development and variation of conditions 3 (reference to all works in Environmental Statement and to allow a maximum tip height of 100m and maximum blade diameter of 82m), 9 (borrow pits), 14 (highway improvement works to facilitate revised access route) and 15 (internal access tracks).



Variation of condition 1 of Planning Permission

P2007/1413 (Granted on Appeal on the 07.05.09) to allow

for the extension of time for the commencement of

development and variation of conditions 3 (reference to all

works in Environmental Statement and to allow a

maximum tip height of 100m and maximum blade

diameter of 82m), 9 (borrow pits), 14 (highway

improvement works to facilitate revised access route) and

15 (internal access tracks) at Mynydd Y Gwrhyd, North of Pontardawe, East of Cwmgors.


Under rule 13.1 of the Council’s Rules of Procedure, a motion or amendment to rescind a decision made within the past six months cannot be moved unless a Notice of Motion is signed by at least two Members of Committee. No such motion had been signed in respect of this item, therefore the Committee voted under the Rule 21.1 of the Council’s Rules of Procedure to suspend the Rules of Procedure for the duration of this item, in order for the decision to be revisited.




that the above mentioned Application be approved in  accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, and subject to a Section 106 Agreement, as contained within the circulated report.


(Note:  with regard to the amendment sheet referred to above and attached as an Appendix, on which the Chair had allowed sufficient time for Members to read, in respect of application items on the published agenda, the Chairman had permitted urgent circulation/consideration thereof at today’s meeting, the particular reasons and the circumstances being not to further delay the planning process, unless the Committee itself wanted to defer any applications and to ensure that Members take all extra relevant information into account before coming to any decision at the meeting).


Supporting documents: