Agenda item

Application No: P2015/0031

Land within Foel Fynyddau Forest, Nr Pontryhdyfen, Cwmavon

Temporary permission for the drilling of an exploratory borehole to test the Westphalian and Namurian strata for coal bed methane and shale gases (Re-consultation on corrected information within the submitted Exploration Borehole - Method Statement and Planning Statement (in respect of traffic flows and confirmation of 10 weeks for drilling and associated operations).



Temporary permission for the drilling of an exploratory

borehole to test the Westphalian and Namurian strata for

coal bed methane and shale gases (Re-consultation on

corrected information within the submitted Exploration

Borehole - Method Statement and Planning Statement (in

respect of traffic flows and confirmation of 10 weeks for

drilling and associated operations) at Land within Foel Fynyddau Forest, Pontrhydyfen, Cwmavon.


In accordance with the Council’s approved Public Speaking Protocol, Mr. K. Ross (Objector) and Mr. C. Patten (Appellant Right of Reply) addressed the Planning Committee.



that the Application be approved subject to the Officer’s recommendation as detailed within the circulated report,  and also subject to the amendments and additional conditions, as detailed within the circulated Amendment Sheet, to address noise issues, as follows:


(12) The development hereby approved shall be undertaken strictly in accordance with the submitted Noise Management Plan (NMP), other than the investigation of noise complaints as required by section 8 of the NMP, which shall be implemented within 24 hours of the receipt of a noise complaint from the Local Planning Authority, with the results of such investigations submitted to the Local Planning Authority within 48 hours, along with details of the action taken to reduce noise to the levels specified by condition 13.  The NMP shall be fully implemented throughout the course of the approved development.




In the interest of adequate noise mitigation and residential amenity.


(13) No development shall commence on site until such time as details of no less than 3 noise monitoring points have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority, and thereafter the level of noise emitted from the site shall not exceed 45.5dB(A) LAeq, 1-hr between 0700 and 1900 hours and shall not exceed 42dB(A) LAeq, 1-hr between 1900 and 0700 hours, as measured at the approved monitoring points.




In the interest of adequate noise mitigation and residential amenity


(14) Within 7 days of the plant and equipment being installed and brought into operation (unless the Local Planning Authority have agreed in writing to an extension of that timescale due to the need for suitable conditions for the monitoring of noise), a post installation noise assessment shall be carried out by the operator at the noise monitoring points approved by condition 13 and submitted to the local planning authority. This report shall identify noise levels being achieved, including details of tonal noise. Where necessary any additional mitigation needed to achieve the levels required by condition 13 shall be identified and submitted for approval by the local planning authority with the post installation noise assessment. Any additional mitigation thus identified and approved shall be installed or provided within 7 days of approval, and shall be retained thereafter.

In the event that additional mitigation has been implemented in accordance with the approved details, a further post installation noise assessment shall be undertaken and submitted to the local planning authority within 14 days of the approval of such additional mitigation, in order to demonstrate compliance with the noise limits in condition 13.




In the interest of adequate noise mitigation and residential amenity


In order that all noise conditions are read together, subsequent conditions (13) to (15) within the committee report are to be re-numbered (15) to (17).



Supporting documents: