considered the Budget Consultation Report 2024/25 as presented.
scrutiny, Members noted the report.
considered the Budget Consultation Report 2024/25 as presented.
Chair outlined that comments from the meeting will form part of
the formal consultation response to the budget. Members were reminded of their
obligation as part of the budget consultation process to put forward any other
proposals for budget savings which are not included within the report so that
officers can give them consideration as soon as possible.
were reminded that they should consider the elements of the budget which fall
under the remit of this scrutiny committee.
gave an overview of the savings identified which fell under the remit of the
committee, working through each of the identified budget lines individually.
Head of Adult Services outlined the saving proposals identified in SSHH 1 – SSHH
8. It was recognised that the proposals come with risk. Officers identified
that the biggest risk for adult services would be not regaining control of the
market. It was noted that there be resistance to some of the changes from families,
people would not want to see their packages reduced. Officers advised that
additional reports would be brought back before Cabinet Board outlining the
risks associated with the changes proposed.
asked if the necessary risk assessments had been carried out with regards to the
identified proposals. It was confirmed by officers that each proposal would be risk
assessed as required and there would not be a move to lone working. The service
delivery will only be changed if it is safe to do so.
noted that the main body of the report refers to not filling vacancies.
Officers noted that this referred to work that had been carried out in year.
expressed their concerns around the complexities of bringing services back in house
and noted Trem Y Glyn was to be brought back in house. Members sought reassurance
that there would be no delay in doing this once it had been agreed.
Head of Childrens Services outlined the savings proposal outlined in SSHH 9 – SSHH
sought clarification with regards to the savings identified in relation to asylum
seeking children. Officers confirmed that this is funded by the Home Office.
Internal staff have now been trained up to carry out some of the roles whereas
external consultants have previously had to be used.
relation to Hillside Secure Unit, it was confirmed that officers can charge for
their time that they use to support the unit. In the past this has not been
recharged fully however the £92,000 is the additional amount of officer time
that has been required to be put in to support Hillside. The Council is not
allowed to make a profit from Hillside, however officers advised that the
Council should not be subsidising the facility. Officers advised that more
officer time is being utilised supporting the facility.
regards to SSHH 15, this is in relation to the transformation project in
Housing which has already been scrutinised at a previous meeting.
were no additional budget proposals put forward by members at the meeting.
scrutiny, Members noted the report.
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