Agenda item

Third Sector Grant Funding - Award of Grants for 2024 - 2025


Officers put forward an amended recommendation for consideration, following the support of the previous Cabinet Scrutiny Committee. This was in order to allow officers more time to determine whether alternative sources of funding were available for a number of the applicants. Cabinet accepted the amended recommendation, which is reflected as the decision below.




That the granting (identified in Appendix 1 to the circulated report) to Canolfan Maerdy and Ystalyfera Development Trust, be approved, and it be noted that the additional requests for grants be brought to a future meeting of Cabinet in January 2024 for determination by Members.


Reason for Decision:


To approve grants to third sector organisations in line with the Council’s Scheme.


Implementation of Decision:


The decision is for immediate implementation, following the agreement of the Cabinet Scrutiny Chair.

Supporting documents: