Agenda item

Audit Wales - Strategic Approach to Digital Services



·        That the organisational response form contained in appendix 3, of the circulated report be noted.

·        That the single recommendation from the Thematic Review of the NPT Digital Data and Technology Strategy (appendix 2) be noted.


Audit Wales went on to take the Committee through the work undertaken on the Strategic Approach to Digital Services. The committee were informed the work had been conducted across 22 Councils in Wales, with most of the work undertaken between March and August 2023. Field work for NPT Council was undertaken in July 2023.


The review focused on how the Council was acting in accordance with the sustainable development principle when developing its strategic approach to digital, and whether there were proper arrangements in place to secure value for money in the use of its resources.


The Committee were made aware to the digital data and technology strategy approved in July 2023, with the report reflecting the arrangements the Council had in place at that time.


Audit Wales stated that the report was positive overall, with a good understanding of digital provision. A range of data had been drawn from external sources again a positive approach. Audit Wales further claimed the Councils strategic approach to digital is well aligned with key plans and strategies, and strong arrangements in place to communicate the strategy.


The report contained one recommendation:

If the Council continues with the approach of not stating a timeframe to deliver its Digital, Data and Technology strategy, it should put in place arrangements to:


·       clearly articulate its short-, medium- and long-term outcomes and intended benefits.


·       cost its short-, medium- and long-term ambitions and match them with available resources; and


·       assess if it is delivering the strategy and its intended outcomes at the intended pace.




Overall, Audit Wales concluded that the Council has an integrated and well-articulated digital strategy but note that it did not have a clear period for delivering it, which makes it more difficult for the Council to assess progress and value for money. Again, Audit Wales highlighted that the report was positive and thanked Officers for their time and contribution.


Officers responded and informed the committee that the Digital Data and Technology (DDaT) Strategy had intentionally not been time bound due to the rapid pace of change in this space. The Council needs to remain agile in its approach to DDaT across its medium- and long-term plans. Members were informed the strategy would be reviewed and updated on a year-by-year basis, ensuring its alignment with the latest opportunities and organisational needs.


Officers went on to provide an update to the committee in terms of what has been done since the review. Members were told a digital transformation board had been established as well as a pipeline which is a multi-year plan around the activities being delivered across the service. Members were invited to a Members Seminar session being held on the 15th of March 2024, which will focus on the process underpinning the Digital Transformation Board and the priorities that have been established for DDaT.


Members were further notified of the monitoring arrangements in place being undertaken, inclusive of financial efficiencies, efficiencies in ways of working and improved customer service etc. Other programs of work are used to inform the priorities including the medium-term financial plan, forward budget plans and the annual business monitoring arrangements across all service areas.


A question was received from Members on how the IT department could be used more effectively instead of Democratic Services Officers. A suggestion was made that this comment should be made within the Members Seminar so that all Councillors were aware of the IT Service and that issues should be dealt with directly by the IT department.


Officers responded by stating that the comment would be raised within the Seminar. Members were also informed that further training sessions were being created to assist members with any queries or technical difficulties they faced.


Members raised a point to information being shared with all Committee Members including lay members which is easily accessible to all. Officers responded by stating that would not be an issue going forward. Lay Members are to also be invited to the Members Seminar scheduled for March 14th. If unable to attend the information must be made available following the seminar.


A question was put forward regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI) and officers responded by informing members that AI was included within the strategic delivery themes in the strategy. New AI Guidance, the policy and all relating information could be found on the NPT Web page under Digital Strategy.


Members concluded by giving they are thanks to Officers for their hard work shown in the review and with rapidly changing areas seen within digital services.



·       That the organisational response form contained in appendix three of the circulated report be noted.

·       That the single recommendation from the Thematic Review of the NPT Digital Data and Technology Strategy (appendix 2) be noted.


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