Agenda item

Internal Audit - Quarterly Update Report


The report was noted for information.



Officers presented the Committee with an overview of the circulated report. Members requested clarification on the following points.


·        Monitoring performance of the service.

·        Pressures of workstreams and concerns on current staffing levels, due to ongoing staffing sickness levels.

·        Procurement cards and the non-compliance reasons.

·        Verbal communication as opposed to email for clarity and confirmation in relation to a recommendation within report no. 24.



Officers went on to provide an update to the Quarterly report, stating sixteen reports had been submitted during the quarter, details of which can be found within appendix one of the circulated reports. For clarity it was highlighted to Members on the assurance rating being either substantial or reasonable, of which both are the two highest ratings. Members were informed that information relating to the assurance categories can be found on page 89 of the report pack.


Procurement cards titled R24 within the table, received a limited assurance which was arrived at due to issues found with the authorising and coding of purchases and not what the cards were being used to purchase. A response from the Chief Finance Officer found on page 94, appendix 3 of the circulated report pack.


The officer went on to state that the department had been impacted by sickness and, with one member of the team leaving the authority. As a result, the delivery of the audit plan is anticipated to be restricted. Officers stated they would be working closely to find ways to mitigate the impact to the plan. A revised plan is expected to be brought to members within the New Year.


The Audit Manager was able to confirm the vacancy for the Auditor post had now gone out to advert and was currently live within the jobs system. A decision to delay the vacancy was taken by the Audit Manager due to similar vacancies being available at other organisations. Members were told a total of 92 days had been lost to sickness, with two members of staff continuing to be unfit for work.


The Committee were reminded that the audit plan had been agreed in March. One audit had been in relation to accident reporting corporately and another to accident reporting in schools, which in total came to between 20 and 25 days to complete, a large number of days within the plan.


The Audit Manager went on to suggest a solution to clawing back some of the lost days. In relation to the audit for accident reporting corporately, that being an additional test to be added every service. Asking what accidents have been reported, if any, and seeking confirmation that the policy been followed. If no accidents have occurred can the manager evidence that they are aware of the policy and what needs to be done should an accident occur. The same process is suggested for schools in relation to accident reporting, and an additional test added to the health and safety section of the school’s audit programme. The solution was agreed by the Committee, for a revised plan to be formally adopted in January.



The report was noted for information.


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